Example sentences of "for [art] number [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 At last I got through , demanded an ambulance , and had to ask Masha for the number of the room .
2 So , ’ she enquired haughtily , putting down her coffee-mug with a flourish , ‘ would it be too much trouble to ask for the number of the nearest garage ?
3 As soon as they 'd gone , I got on the phone to Directory Enquiries and asked for the number of the Maidstone hospital .
4 Recent history is littered with examples of privatised or re-allocated responsibilities for a number of the public services .
5 This is an important consideration when attempting to interpret palaeoecology from the composition of fossil faunas that are derived from predator activity , and it has been treated in some detail in the appendix , where comparative data for a number of the predator species has been summarized .
6 A year or so ago Business in the Community arranged for a number of the chief executives of some of the UK 's largest national and international corporations to spend a day in a school .
7 Degranulation of the basophils occurs in immediate hypersensitivity reactions ( one type of allergic reaction ) , releasing the histamine which is responsible for a number of the features of such reactions .
8 The same is true of Coats Viyella , which continues to use the Glasgow office formerly housing Coats Paton for a number of the group 's services .
9 The morphological processor described in chapter 3 is used for a number of the post-processing components ( compound recognition and semantic processing ) of the current system .
10 But liquidity has increased for a number of the larger issues of recent years and certain gilt-edged market makers are now active dealers in a range of non-gilt securities .
11 The Victoria Rottweiler Club actually owns its own tattoo machine and members apply for a number from the secretary of the club .
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