Example sentences of "for [adj] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 The manager produces a whole hospital work-level profile for specific periods of time for a 7-day period .
2 They should also indicate potential problems , which , if rectified at a sufficiently early stage , will avoid the need for unnecessary expenditure of time and money in seeking to correct the position .
3 These animals possess the remarkable ability to withstand intense heat and drought for prolonged periods of time .
4 The new political crisis makes it less likely that Italy will meet the EC 's requirements for economic convergence on time .
5 Studying the body clock for extended periods of time
6 There are occasional reports in the medical journals of people not sleeping for extended periods of time when suffering from illnesses interfering with brain function .
7 If there was not a ‘ ceiling ’ to potency level then serial dilution would not be needed to make a remedy , one could simply shake any dilution for different lengths of time as in the example give above .
8 They are the culminations of a whole life which , as Malcolm Johnson puts it , ‘ sculpted their present problems and concerns ’ ; a life itself built around many different ‘ life-threads ’ — education , work , marriage , children , hobbies , and so on — so that it is best understood , both in psychological and social terms , ‘ as a complex of strands running for different lengths of time throughout a life biography and moulding its individuality ’ .
9 This inhibits her sexual cycles for varying periods of time depending on the species it 's about two years .
10 The plug remains in the vagina for varying lengths of time ( up to I 8 h ) .
11 It must be emphasised that tics , the essential feature of Tourette 's syndrome , are ‘ involuntary , sudden , rapid , recurrent , nonrhythmic , stereotyped , motor movements or vocalizations ’ which , though experienced as irresistible , can be suppressed for varying lengths of time .
12 Subjects will have been infected for varying lengths of time , which may affect these findings .
13 Secured and unsecured personal loans — loans are provided for fixed periods of time , often at fixed rates of interest and equal instalment payments .
14 This also implies a positive relationship between volume and volatility for fixed intervals of time , as argued by Clark ( 1973 ) .
15 Most of the motility studies on irritable bowel syndrome patients have been conducted for brief periods of time in the very distal portions of the viscus .
16 For the reason given above this might well be totally wrong for large values of time .
17 The directorate has a continual need for processed information to support decision making , to develop policy and advice for Academic Board and Governors , and to satisfy the appetite of external bodies such as DF.S , CNAA , NAB/PCFC , etc. for numerical information From time to time there is also the need for high quality information to support particular initiatives , such as the ( successful ) application for accreditation .
18 b ) Will doctors , particularly surgeons , be away for predictable periods of time ?
19 Anyone who has drunk one of the bottles of Fred Leroux 1920 at Le Vigneron in Reims ( in the days when it was an unpretentious little bistro , not the big , brash restaurant it is now ) will know that some wines of Chigny are capable of maturing for great periods of time .
20 ‘ Long periods of racial oppression ’ , he writes , ‘ can result in a system of inequality that may persist for indefinite periods of time even after racial barriers are removed ’ ( p. 146 ) .
21 An obviously desirable situation is for a country to have a sufficiency of well educated and trained teachers working for reasonable lengths of time in areas where they are familiar with the people and their culture .
22 Past gradients seem unlikely to have fallen much lower than this for substantial periods of time .
23 We postulate that the alternation of homogeneous gabbro and graded layers is produced by a magma chamber that remains below the critical concentration for substantial periods of time and generates a steady accumulation of crystals on the floor in the cotectic proportions .
24 The virtues of granting immunity from prosecution for substantial periods of time are questionable .
25 This enables underwater operation for long periods of time .
26 Can you share the same confines , for long periods of time , and where does your tolerance level lie ?
27 Depending on the nature of the defect , electrons may remain trapped for long periods of time ; such a trap would be referred to as ‘ deep ’ .
28 They are full of fun and not a breed that you can leave for long periods of time , as they are so human orientated .
29 Her parents lived in another part of the country and her husband was in the army and away for long periods of time .
30 In addition to the mobility required of them as deputies in battle for the king , they were also kept in attendance at their father 's court at Aachen for long periods of time .
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