Example sentences of "for [adj] [noun] is that " in BNC.

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1 Camping and caravanning is a pursuit that attracts people of all ages and walks of life , and the bonus for retired people is that they can travel when the roads are empty of working holidaymakers .
2 What is interesting about Christian guidelines for economic life is that they can not easily be classified as either right wing or left wing , capitalist or socialist .
3 The essence of good housing for old people is that it should be easy to run ( easy to heat , clean and move around in ) , conveniently situated , afford independence and privacy to the occupant , with opportunity for sociability and the security of regular contact .
4 What is essential for free fall is that the capsule is not powered and that the atmospheric drag is negligibly small .
5 The problem , in other words , for the British in arguing their case for free trade is that they are up against a deep cultural divide which separates them from most of the other Member States .
6 The only area that I 'm saying is in need for careful consideration is that related to risks associated with the possibilities of food poisoning and very high-risk food handling .
7 ‘ Because some individuals might benefit more than others and the rule for public works is that all must benefit indifferently , or none may benefit at all .
8 An important feature of Tit for Tat-like strategies is that they are forgiving .
9 Another problem for Democratic Russia is that it , too , is splitting .
10 The problem with extracting one of the sayings of Jesus or using the example of the Jerusalem Church as a model for contemporary society is that the whole of the Old Testament is neglected .
11 The basic plan for joint honours is that both subjects are taken in the first and second years ; then , in the third and fourth years selected parts of the honours courses in mathematics and the other subject are taken .
12 The great claim made for perfect competition is that it leads to efficiency .
13 ‘ What this means for Liberal Democrats is that we must be much less exclusive in our approach to politics and much more inclusive to others in this one .
14 He merely notes that the bad news for technological illiterates is that the world is not as they think it is , and if they are interested in the truth his book will fill some gaps .
15 Since the condition for effective crack-stopping is that we have to weaken the material by a factor of five , the process does not sound a very promising one .
16 A second reason for isostatic anomalies is that the lithosphere is not capable of adjusting instantaneously to a change in load .
17 A third reason for isostatic anomalies is that there are dynamic forces present in the sub-lithospheric mantle which are capable of actively dragging down or pushing up the lithosphere .
18 Worse news for complacent Germans is that Chancellor Helmut Kohl told parliament yesterday that Germany must overhaul its social , economic and educational systems if it is to remain a leading industrial power : Germany has the shortest working week , the oldest students and the youngest pensioners among industrial countries , and that this undermines competitiveness — ‘ a successful industrial nation , a nation with a future , can not be organised like a collective amusement park . ’
19 The bad news for small-time acts is that this exploratory role has diminished significantly over the last ten years .
20 Some of the criticisms which are voiced by service planners and professionals when thinking about ordinary housing for long-term patients is that it is ‘ too expensive ’ , or that ‘ They ca n't cope on their own , ’ or that ‘ They 'll be affected by the same stresses and strains that put them in hospital in the first place . ’
21 The disadvantage for sequential processing is that there will be several rotations during the processing of a track with overflow .
22 The new feature for curved space–time is that the permitted transformations are quite general and not simply linear , as in the case with Lorentz transformations .
23 One particular problem for prospective purchasers is that they are obliged , prior to the auction , to undertake a full and complete site investigation , including searches through a solicitor , at their own expense .
24 The rationale for budgetary accounting is that the budget and accounts should be continuously compared so that action can be taken to correct variances .
25 The latter must show that the transgression was due to the act of another , and the general rule for criminal liability is that an employer will not be vicariously liable for his employee 's crimes .
26 My only reservation for new readers is that if you 've not seen John Bitumen 's wall of hate live , looking every bit like Mussolini with a hangover , the sincerity of the sarcasm and the heartfelt cynicism of the material may not be fully appreciated .
27 Er what he did n't do which is which is very sensible and what has failed for other companies is that he did n't decide this is a good idea I 'll have somebody in Newcastle and somebody in Edinburgh and I 'll have somebody , in other words he gradually built the whole of the business out until he reached London by which time he he 'd a hell of exp er a lot of experience and knowledge about this thing 's going .
28 The advantage of using d'Compress as the launch pad for other programs is that you can use the facilities of d'Compress to gather the files together , a stage that would otherwise have to be done in the DOS window .
29 A remaining problem with substitutions for unknown characters is that the resulting candidates can not be ordered by likelihood of being correct , because the word could equally well be any of them .
30 One of the problems for local government is that it is easier to see how this might work at national level where the interests are clearer and more easily identifiable .
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