Example sentences of "for [noun sg] because [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In May last year the Court of Appeal upheld a judgment against the friend for more than £5,500 damages for negligence because he had owed the accountant a duty of care .
2 ‘ It 's good that you have spoken , but you will have to go for trial because you killed a man on that raid . ’
3 If you 've had speeding disqualification er speeding points and you were up for disqualification because you 'd totted up twelve points
4 There 's a site to which this Society objected on Wetherby Road in Harrogate which we thought did n't need developing at all , but in practice the District Council decided they wanted it for industry because it considered the need for industry to be so great and we have along this frontage of Wetherby Road a row of three car showrooms and a token spot of industry behind it .
5 David could you do me a report on that for command because I suspect nobody 's picture at all .
6 You dreaded anyone coming in for fabric because you knew you would n't be able to get more than three yards without a fault . ’
7 He ca n't have put it there for effect because he did n't know who was going to be there .
8 She could n't turn either way for help because she knew the answer would be ‘ it is your own fault ’ .
9 They found that for married men who were household heads under age 45 , the proportions ‘ out of work ’ ( a wider concept than we used which included those who had given up looking for work because they did n't think any was available ) was about nine times as high in the local authority as in the occupied sector .
10 It was also very noticeable in the United States how many American lawyers asked for assistance because they wished to refer work to an English barrister .
11 Captain Allan Border said : ‘ Obviously I feel a bit sorry for Jonesy because he 's been in the side for a long time .
12 No one was jumping for joy because they 'd finally got the piece they 'd been searching for for years .
13 The relevant statute empowered the minister to set up such a committee but in this case he refused to do so on the ground that the complaint was unsuitable for investigation because it raised wide issues ; that if the committee upheld the complaint he would be expected to make an order to give effect to the committee 's recommendations ; and that the complaint should be dealt with by the Board rather than by the committee of investigation .
14 A car manufacturer does not design for failure because he believes that his cars will not fail .
15 Belfast loyalists did not vote for Seawright because he wanted to burn Catholics but because he lived in a council flat , spoke up for those loyalists who tried to kill IRA men , and was not prepared to abandon working-class Protestants in order to appear respectable .
16 That many domestic plays are often representations of actual events is seen to reduce their claims for attention because they do not deal with issues centred on a powerful elite employing language with rhetorical refinement .
17 The apparent neutrality of the state is seen as functional for capitalism because it masks the exploitation in society , and in crisis situations the state 's truly repressive nature against the working class and marginal sectors of capital in favour of monopoly capital is always revealed .
18 ‘ What I 'd like you to know is that when it was all over and Peter was back from America , the grave-diggers were down here on their bended knees begging him for forgiveness because they knew it was a nasty business and said had they known at the time they 'd have had nothing to do with it . ’
19 We go to a solicitor for advice because he knows the law ; to a doctor because she can interpret symptoms .
20 Employees who initially agree to move may change their minds later , for example because they find other employment in the area which they consider more suitable for them .
21 If you suffer loss as a result of the manner of an unfair dismissal , for example because you lose the chance of another job when your prospective employer learns that you have been sacked , you will be compensated for that loss .
22 The haulier may wish to make an early settlement of a consumer credit agreement , for example because he wishes to take advantage of a special seasonal discount being offered on a vehicle .
23 Even in Europe we are setting aside whole farms for conservation because we do n't need the food and it rationalises the subsidy system .
24 On the other hand , a fraudulent statement to a third party is unlawful means even though the third party could not sue for tort because he suffers no damage .
25 In their case the statute of limitations only started to apply once an actual fault was discovered , but their PI payments did not qualify for relief because they had stopped working .
26 This is because the skilled individual is normally working well within his capacities , he does not have to search desperately for information because he knows exactly what to look for , his movements are not hurried because they are integrated into smooth chains and he does not react suddenly because he anticipates what is going to happen .
27 Staff at St Tiggywinkles say the holiday season is bad news for wildlife because it means more cars in the countryside .
28 Staff at St Tiggywinkles say the holiday season is bad news for wildlife because it means more cars in the countryside .
29 Mothers and babies are suitable cases for treatment because they tend to stay in one place , there are only two subjects at a time , and their behaviour together is relatively stereotyped and uncomplicated .
30 Betty 's Betty has lived on they had roast beef for Christmas because they 'd eaten no red meat for so long
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