Example sentences of "for [noun sg] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them result from the need for text to be explicit in ways that speech need not be .
2 Apart from dealing with the matter of the will if one was made , it may be agreed , if your parent wishes , that he should also take on the responsibility for contacting various persons and organisations : the bank , to arrange for money to be available to her pending the settlement of her husband 's affairs ; her husband 's employer and Trade Union branch secretary , or the secretary of any professional association to which he belonged ; his insurance company ; the Department of Health and Social Security , to obtain forms for claiming the death grant and the widow 's pension ; the Inland Revenue , if her husband was still paying income tax ; the Building Society , the mortgagor ( or landlord if she and her husband lived in rented property ) and any other person or organisation concerned .
3 A more general equilibrium also requires the total demand for money to be equal to the total supply of money : this is referred to as equilibrium in the money market .
4 I believed the case for electrification to be overwhelming .
5 For healthcare to be non-discriminatory we must ensure that :
6 This is the subject of the second chapter , which sets out three basic criteria that need to be fulfilled for recognition to be appropriate .
7 A suitable compromise is for completion to be conditional on the results of an environmental audit .
8 The record for ambition to be speedy seems to be held by the Selangor State government in Malaysia , which announced in 1988 that it was now ‘ possible for applications to be approved in one day ’ .
9 Given that the outcome of market transactions is inevitably uncertain , though some transactions are more uncertain than others , the amount of information required for exchange to be efficient can not be precisely established , leaving plenty of scope for argument .
10 For rectification to be applicable , there needed to be some prior agreement between the parties , the agreement still needed to be effective when the instrument ( ie the s 54 agreement ) was effected , and the instrument should have failed because of a mistake .
11 A covenant is a legally binding document to make regular donations , and such donations must be made under the terms of an existing Deed of Covenant for tax to be reclaimable .
12 Serious Koi-keepers should have such a system installed as a matter of course , for if a fish falls sick in winter it will need to be gradually warmed up until its immune system again begins to function , and until the water temperature is high enough for medication to be effective .
13 But it does emphasize that they must be extended to allow for membership to be endogenous in order to deal with some of the questions raised .
14 Handy suggests that in order for argument to be effective :
15 I can assure you , from some very solid experience , it 's asking for trouble to be obstructive . ’
16 In the same report another contributor comments , " For EMU to be sustainable , the economies of countries forming the union must be similarly competitive or else some countries would be faced with the equivalent of a constant balance of payments deficit which , in EMU , would be reflected in terms of stagnation and unemployment . "
17 The condition for EMU to be beneficial ; possible reforms of ERM .
18 Poitevin favourites were appointed to key positions ; the Household clerk , Peter des Rivaux , was in 1232 appointed for life to be Chief Justice of the Forests of England , and also warden of the Forests of Clarendon , Gillingham and Dean .
19 There was no need for life to be complicated , yet it invariably turned out to be so .
20 The free volume theory deals with the need for space to be available before co-operative motion , characteristic of the glass transition , can be initiated , but it tells us little about the molecular motion itself .
21 For competition to be fair and meaningful , either everybody has to be drug-free , or everybody has to be on drugs — which do we want ?
22 The South American and the African weakly electric fish are quite unrelated to each other , but both live in the same kinds of waters in their respective continents , waters that are too muddy for vision to be effective .
23 And thirdly there 's a meeting at Stansted Airport of the Committee tomorrow and I wrote and said so to the Committee and said could we discuss this with the Committee tomorrow and again I asked for information to be available to the public and particularly to local Councils so they could alter the situation .
24 According to Turner , it is important to make a distinction between people 's fears and the reality , for training to be effective .
25 Two courses dealing with English at an unspecified level , ESL at an unspecified level , Bengali at In-service level , and a Diploma in TEFL gave insufficient information for codification to be practical .
26 It is suggested that this captures the core of what it is for conduct to be insulting .
27 The winches could then be run instantly without having to wait for steam to be available .
28 So far , too few inscriptions in Linear A have been recovered for translation to be possible .
29 It is a very damaging doubt and needs to be blocked firmly by a decisive reaffirmation of what it means for Christianity to be true .
30 She thought that it might be nice for Mother to be involved in the shop , but obviously they were n't going to listen to her .
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