Example sentences of "for [pron] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Middlesbrough stay third Leicester move up to fourth , good news for them games in hand .
2 she then had the audacity to ask for my resignation in writing .
3 About five weeks before that I had come home in my first university term , and got undressed for my bath in front of the bathroom mirror .
4 Then , just before Christmas , he asked my father for my hand in marriage
5 As PC Lesley Harrison lies fighting for her life in hospital the Government should take immediate steps to ensure that anybody who attacks a member of any of the security services is imprisoned for a long time .
6 In 1919 she received an honorary MA from Manchester University for her work in archaeology .
7 Sue , who is well known for her contribution in Fuel Division , particularly in the field of Water Reactor and AGR fuel , and intermediate products such as UO2 powder and pellets , described her new post as a considerable challenge .
8 It is tricked out with a handsome jacket and contains the standard acknowledgements , including the author 's thanks to the Universe for her participation in Existence .
9 Rastafarians on pavements and Harrods perfume girls , ‘ grateful ’ for her interest in collagen .
10 I had seen that look somewhere before , and memory suggested two pictures : one was from an old history book and showed Marie Antoinette on her way to the guillotine — ‘ The Queen went forth , stately and calm ’ ; , the other ( ‘ Tales from over the Border ’ ) showed a beautiful girl withdrawing modestly while a Highland chief petitioned her father for her hand in marriage .
11 He 'd found her , he said , and next day he 'd either lay siege to the place , or boldly batter on the door and ask for her hand in marriage — or at least her something else in something else !
12 This epiphany of the mother of the immediate-return hunter-gatherers — or of the new-born and unweaned child , which is the same thing — was clearly designed to compensate for her loss in reality .
13 Michael , a chef for the Ministry of Defence at Catterick , won the culinary art section while Gillian , of Grove Farm , Bradbury , won for her ideas in kitchen planning .
14 Her modesty in the face of such popularity is endearing , especially as it is for her self-confidence in front of canvas and tv camera for which she is probably best known !
15 Sandys ’ proposed deployment of the Army might have been practicable if Afro-Asia had remained quiescent , and if the Army had been given the strategic mobility needed to compensate for its reduction in manpower .
16 However , the horse in captivity usually can not help itself in anxiety provoking situations : it is dependent upon people for its reduction in anxiety ; it relies upon people for its needs .
17 MAS will charge for its services in connection with the above programme of work on a time basis .
18 I do not believe that the House , confronted by a Bill of this complexity and contentiousness , can be altogether happy about the arrangements for its consideration in Committee .
19 After denaturation of the recombinant proteins in the presence of 7M urea and renaturation by extensive dialysis against buffer 2 , the extract was purified by chromatography on Q-Sepharose as described ( 17 ) and the resulting TFIIA fraction was assayed for its function in transcription assays .
20 There is provision made for a rudder assembly on the Seayak but my version came without one so I can not vouch for its effectiveness in steering .
21 These somewhat simplistic approaches have been the subject of just criticism , e.g. by Dixon 56 , who urged caution on raw citation searching as proof of productivity , but who expressed overall support for its use in conjunction with other measures .
22 These somewhat simplistic approaches have been the subject of just criticism , e.g. by Dixon , who urged caution on raw citation searching as proof of productivity , but who expressed overall support for its use in conjunction with other measures .
23 The disulphate ester of ursodeoxycholyl-β-aminobenzoic acid ( PABA-UDCA ) was synthesised and compated with PABA-UDCA for its use in detection of intestinal bacteria .
24 Oil of cedarwood was highly prized for its use in embalmment , medicine and perfumery .
25 Health Virgo is a sign known for its interest in health and dietary matters .
26 ( 2 ) 5.18(2) confers the right on an applicant , licence-holder , objector or complainer who appeared at the hearing to request that the board give their reasons for their decision in writing .
27 On the flight back to Indonesia Suharto said that Indonesian communists living in China could return home , although they would have to account for their actions in court .
28 This begs the question : do producers respond only to perceived changes in the prices paid for their products in comparison to those paid for other products irrespective of what is happening to their costs of production ?
29 IN YOUR March 18 Viewpoint you cast doubt on the genuineness of the conversion of Anna Moore and Bobby Corry , who have received life sentences for their involvement in terrorist murders .
30 Many of the teachers who fall into this category are those who have given up hoping that there will be any room for their beliefs in debate or in classroom practice .
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