Example sentences of "for [pron] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We interviewed 769 of the 808 patients attending our clinic between 1 April 1991 and 31 January 1992 for whom termination of pregnancy was agreed under the Abortion Act ; those interviewed included 62 ( 8% ) Afro-Caribbean and 69 ( 9% ) Asian patients .
2 These networks , which included certain kinds of neighbouring , included those for whom ties of kinship were of primary significance .
3 To achieve this goal teachers need to be academics in the broadest sense of the word ; not simply a graduate in a traditional discipline but someone who is able to use the richness of our cultural past and the opportunities offered by our multicultural present to challenge children 's thinking and , by so doing , to open up for them avenues of discovery .
4 Returning to my shopping list , my reasons for my choice of equipment are as follows :
5 ‘ I have never played before but it is something which has always appealed to me , and it should be good for my powers of co-ordination , ’ he said .
6 I suppose it 's remotely possible Clare was romantically involved with Jack Cornelius , although it does n't say much for my powers of observation that I was unaware of it , but it 's equally possible Rex Cunningham has simply jumped to the wrong conclusion : he was ever one to do that .
7 ‘ Do you want me to oxygenate it for you ? in he asked , ‘ I know what I 'm doing , I 've kept fish for ten years.in He waited for my look of amazement at his expertise .
8 Quick glance activity chart for my spawning of Cardinal Tetras .
9 Having looked at the growing success of the Editing for Industry awards and noted the fact that Alan Peaford was due to step down after a three-year stint in the chair , I decided to ask him to continue in the post for my year of office .
10 However , we must remember what we earlier quoted Hegel as saying : that the other person 's attitude towards me is important for my sense of self-identity .
11 My husband and I bought Millie as a companion for Mac , my Standard Poodle , and for my peace of mind , as my husband is a police officer who frequently works nights .
12 At the bottom end of the educational scale I remember so very clearly the instances — and there were far too many of them for my peace of mind — where the school had virtually given up in the face of difficulties .
13 It must be , for my peace of mind , another of those places on which I lock a door and turn my back .
14 As the big boss you wo n't be at the Carvoeiro office too often , but it would be easier for my peace of mind if you were not there at all !
15 I sincerely hope the prejudice of my overseas training and lack of vocational training do not account for my lack of success in gaining access to resources .
16 I hope you are both as well as you can be , and to make up for my lack of inspiration here is a poem which I discovered in a very nice book of modern Scottish poetry : —
17 My poor mother , I am sure , could n't determine whether to commend my prudence or berate me for my lack of romance .
18 ‘ The officials at Preston have been nothing but encouraging and in the early days the coaching staff put in a lot of time to make up for my lack of experience .
19 He looked at me with twinkling pity for my lack of understanding of the really serious things in life .
20 Now , thirty years later , I feel a great regret for the father of my first four years , who took me out , and who probably loved me , irresponsibly ( " it 's all right for him ; he does n't have to look after you " ) , and I wish I could tell him now , even though he was , in my sister 's words , a sod , that I 'm sorry for my years of rejection and dislike .
21 Jackie had had that all done and then I would have been in for my cup of tea .
22 The fact that a very similar kind of furniture can be bought in an enormous variety of different places , there 's not this same idea that ‘ Oh , I would n't ever go in that sort of shop to buy it because it 's not a place for my sort of person ’ .
23 room for my sort of personality in most careers , but to some extent it 's got to be you know balanced and
24 Clare is out for my blood of course , poor thing , but I could n't really help that .
25 So you know when you get in a meeting sometimes you 've got a point of view on an agenda item and you think how where am I gon na get support for for my point of view on the meeting ?
26 And I did n't want to have that 'cause I was looking for respect for me but also for my area of work and it was an absolutely deliberate act .
27 You know , so personally for my area of work I just wanted them to think they were getting someone respectable .
28 SIR HUGH Leggatt corrects me gently for my placing of Home 's copy of Zoffany 's Cockfight in Cannes .
29 With a slow smile for her look of astonishment , he added , ‘ The first time I saw you , I wanted to make love to you . ’
30 He 'd informed her of his intention to remarry , and she had commented favourably , so he was quite unprepared for her look of horror when Sarah stepped into the house .
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