Example sentences of "for [art] [noun] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For the present it deals only with with the two expeditions that attract most excitement : Bosnia and Somalia .
2 For the implication it carries is that Kinnock is in truth a ravening left-wing wolf but briefly clad in the sheepish woolies of a moderate man .
3 The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received from Loughborough University 's Research Fund , and would also like to thank their research assistant , Theresa Madden , for her invaluable help and the RIBA for the assistance it has rendered .
4 He sat smoking his cigarettes and reading the evening paper for the half-hour it took to accomplish these combined exercises , before leaving and getting into the tube at Bond Street .
5 Cos I 've the bill for the hotel it came in one lump as two hundred and four pound .
6 If it did , it will surely live forever in the annals of infamy ; but for the mapmaker it has ceased to exist .
7 Unusually for the PC it does n't require an environment manager like Windows or Gem which means it can run on a standard hard disk PC system .
8 Users value the network for the access it gives to computer and information resources on campus but perhaps even more so for the gateway it provides to JANET , the network linking hundreds of institutions and thousands of computers in the UK .
9 The strengths of the theory are , first that it explains the perceptual phenomena I have just described , second that the brain has a real need for the operation it postulates , and third that it gives a role to a prominent but hitherto unexplained anatomical characteristic of the neocortex .
10 The horror felt for or against the censorship is less than the feeling for the opportunity it provides to make capital out of the situation .
11 The Region 's policy of positive discrimination is impressive and commendable for the opportunity it provides for the provision of education in deprived areas .
12 It 's to warm up for the weekend it said .
13 The Act had failed to control smoke or sulphuric or nitric acid , and it set only a percentage reduction for the pollutant it did cover , without a total ceiling on pollution .
14 WITH any luck , 1992 will go down in history as the year in which a large proportion of the British people finally recognised the monarchy for the anachronism it has undoubtedly become .
15 Mersey Barrage Company bosses say the scheme has proved too bold for the funding it needed .
16 While Sinclair 's revolutionary keyword and syntax checking system works well for the beginner it tends to stifle the development of keyboard familiarity that occurs on a regular computer keyboard .
17 British public opinion welcomed the Charter but for the government it involved repudiating the policies of protection and imperial preference , adopted in the depths of the world depression .
18 We are grateful to the English Working Group for the thought it has given to assessment issues .
19 It may not quite be a Booker Prize contender is in itself but for the memories it brings back it is a wonder .
20 But in none of these books is there any hard evidence for the thesis it presents .
21 The overtime and opportunities for easing which court duty affords is often not compensation enough for the stress it involves .
22 For the male it means a vasectomy — the cutting or tying of the male 's sperm ducts .
23 As soon as the handshake was complete , Charlotte turned away , eager to look elsewhere for the instant it took her to absorb the simple fact of his marriage .
24 Whilst the home authority can plan and contract for the services it identifies as being required to meet the needs of its population , it is not clear who will decide which individuals will receive these services .
25 The rest of the money that British Rail has available should be spent on projects that are desperately needed to provide jam today , not tomorrow , for the commuters who are paying British Rail for the services it offers today .
26 However , fundamental ways of reducing the size of public expenditure would require the government to find new ways of charging for the services it provides , or to dismantle the Welfare State .
27 And Hewlett-Packard has shown itself willing to make regular infilling acquisitions as it has grown — the company was heavily castigated for the price it paid for Apollo Computer Inc , but without Apollo , it would not be in anything like such a strong position today .
28 For the traveller it has meant congestion and delay ; for the resident it has produced noise , ugliness and fear , and a turning away from the street as the centre of community activity .
29 This is intended to mean that the object is attended to , and in some sense ‘ enjoyed ’ , for itself , ‘ for its own sake ’ , for the qualities it possesses in itself as apprehended , and which arouse our attention and interest ( p. 4 ) .
30 Distressing , I mean , for the evidence it provided of my father 's state of mind .
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