Example sentences of "for [adj] [art] [noun sg] has " in BNC.

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1 THE NEED FOR the majority of county cricketers to cobble together alternative employment for themselves for half the year has long been seen as a compromise on the professionalism of the game .
2 GARDEN PLANTS FOR FREE The Gardener has 5 copies of Alan and Adrian Bloom 's Blooms of Bressingham Garden Plants to give away to the first five readers whose names are drawn from the postbag after 31 December 1992 .
3 For some the relationship has broken down , others have never been with the father .
4 For some the conjunction has seemed obvious , for others itself a sign of fancy stretched beyond the bounds of credibility .
5 For this the school has twin responsibilities for the presentation of both languages ; it would need to be bilingual itself .
6 If now we postmultiply the ( 3 × 2 ) submatrix of A by I , we can add the last result to it to recover A as the matrix product unc Finally , a matrix of rank 1 can be expressed as the product of a column and a row in that order — for such a matrix has effectively only one independent column , all the other columns being proportional to it ; similarly for the rows .
7 The need for such a centre has been recognised for some time .
8 Statutory exemptions are provided in section 88 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and , inter alia , allow a person to drive without a licence or cause or permit another to do so if the driver has held or is entitled to obtain a licence for that class of vehicle and an application for such a licence has been received including in it the date he was driving .
9 The search for such a planet has proved unsuccessful — which is something of a mystery , because a planet of that size should be reasonably easy to find .
10 For such a theory has at its heart an object of study completely different to that which theory treats in other genres .
11 In particular if notice of an application for such an order has been given he may : ( a ) strike out the claim or defence if they show no reasonable cause of action or defence and enter judgment ( Ord 13 , r 5 ) ; ( b ) where £1,000 or more is claimed , upon submission of affidavit evidence proving the facts ( and proof of service of the application , copy affidavit and exhibits seven days before ) , enter summary judgment in a default action where there is no real defence .
12 Therefore , if a clause giving a reason for such an action has a pronominal subject , we expect it to refer back to the questioner .
13 Evidence for such an association has been publshed in the Register General 's Decimal Supplements on Occupational Mortality since 1937 , but these data have not been highlighted .
14 For 1992 the dividend has been increased from three kroner to five ( 50p ) to sweeten shareholders , including many in Scotland who subscribed for the rights issue last year at 175 kroner .
15 Last seen fronting the spasmodically brilliant but ill-fated Riff Raff , tonight he casts the ghosts aside to prove once and for all the capital has an answer to Iggy Pop and Lux Interior all rolled into one .
16 Last seen fronting the spasmodically brilliant but ill-fated Riff Raff , tonight he casts the ghosts aside to prove once and for all the capital has an answer to Iggy Pop and Lux Interior all rolled into one .
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