Example sentences of "for [adj] [pron] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But I can not , for that which is sick is strong .
2 No one saw Charles and Dimity arrive , and for that they were grateful .
3 ‘ At least Farrah is safe and well and for that we are grateful .
4 There was a recognition of the hidden agenda and the response of the Trade Union Movement was overwhelming and for that we are grateful .
5 And for that he was butchered , for that he is dead .
6 Anna Patricia O'Neil was born at a quarter after two the next morning , so Denis did n't get his Patrick after all , nor even his Denis , but he got his much-loved and hard-worked Hana back and for that he was grateful .
7 ‘ Madam , I see by your habit that you are in mourning , and for that I am sorry .
8 And for that I 'm grateful to those who peopled my journey .
9 The big man had obviously come on deck to warn me what to expect from the twins , and for that I was grateful .
10 But specific strategies were sadly amissing , for few there were experienced soldiers , used enough to inter-clan battle and feud but not to full-scale national warfare against the English might , as their fathers had learned to be .
11 For some it is difficult to acknowledge love until they are sure they are loved in return .
12 She told me that eagles from there carry a great burden and for some it is hard . ’
13 For some there were rigid routines repeated in the same way from one day to the next ; for others , routines were more flexible .
14 For this he was relieved of his world title and , like Johnson , was involuntarily immobilized .
15 sure but again I mean if there was a market for this I am sure that to take that and splinter it off into a unit it costs money to get people that want to come into this business
16 In order to deal with the problems of budgeting for this it is necessary to know something of company financial and cost accounting .
17 In order to deal with the problems of budgeting for this it is necessary to know something of company financial and cost accounting .
18 For this it was necessary for the premiership to pass not to Heseltine but to a leading member of the Cabinet .
19 In the case of industrially produced consumer goods it was a question of increasing supply by a proportionally greater extent than that of agricultural production , and for this it was necessary to invest .
20 Fortunately the wedge of cheese was thick and tasty and for this she was grateful .
21 He cringed at the elaborate Dickensian menus adorning each place , but was grateful for the fact that the catastrophe of the banquet , for such he was sure it would be , would be firmly laid at Mr Dickens 's door and not his own .
22 Some pieces of work , on the other hand , require a lot of reading and study time during composition ; and for these you are likely to produce better work if you choose questions that genuinely interest you , or connect with problems you are in any case interested in outside your literary work , rather than if you feel your work is being done out of obligation or under duress .
23 Once they had set off , Mr Smith and Mr Jones , for all their being well into their middle years , proceeded to behave like schoolboys , singing coarse songs and making even coarser comments on all they saw from the window .
24 You could have vanished into a Scotch mist and taken a boat to one of the Western Isles — with all the plate and linen , etc. , etc. — for all I am aware .
25 He could have been composing rubbish for all I was competent to judge , yet that possibility did not enter my head .
26 Eternal God , we rejoice in your promise that as our day is , so shall our strength be ; and we ask for your help for all who are old and wearied with the burden of life .
27 The Gulf War and the way it was reported by the world 's media , raises crucial questions for all who are concerned with justice , peace and truth .
28 You 're really getting through a terrific amount of stuff and you keep asking for more it 's great .
29 The key to finding a good paper is to look for those which are acid-free and firm enough to withstand your own drawing technique .
30 We pray for those who are unwell ; for those who have sick relatives and have been caring for them ; for those who are housebound , or are reluctant to come out of their homes ; for those who have had to work today ; for students away on courses ; for those who are away from Exeter today .
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