Example sentences of "for [adj] [adj] [n mass] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 Will he listen to the pleas of those who have occupied the Waterloo ambulance station , using it for 70 homeless people who in a blaze of publicity over Christmas were helped by the Government ?
2 For some elderly people who have no family or who ( quite reasonably ) do not feel that they need to hang on to capital to pass on to relatives who are themselves well provided for , the purchase of an annuity can be an advantage .
3 For some old people who live alone the ‘ family system ’ may include neighbours , home help , district nurse , or relative visiting weekly .
4 He added that there was no help for 8,600 young people who have failed to obtain guaranteed youth training places .
5 The roads leading to these houses are guarded to prevent the general species of mankind from entering ; and I felt a slight twinge of sorrow for these rich people who have isolated themselves in these strange colonies and deprived themselves of the society of humble and unpretentious men who add the savour to human society ; for it is only in such men that the real spirit of joy , and freedom resides .
6 I feel sorry for these old folk who are over here though , on the other side of the road , two forty seven for them
7 You pay the financing costs for all those people who are your customers and who owe you money .
8 So it 's , it 's small things like that which although on their own , as we did n't recycle but for all those people who bought cards and the people they send them to are , are now aware , that they need to create a market .
9 The television , for many old people who are afraid to go out at night , an important link with the outside world and the sources of ent entertainment .
10 For many Christian people who are caught up in the whirlpool of grief , the most difficult part may well be their realization that they are in fact feeling very distressed .
11 The National Deaf Club , as will be remembered , was originally founded for the oral deaf , but by the 1930s had become so well-established as a sports and social club for independent-minded deaf people who were mostly well-bred and upper-class , and so dominant in the Federation of London Deaf Clubs ' sports tournaments , that oral deaf people were once more isolated from social activities .
12 However , this will only be a problem for those rare people who consume no animal products whatsoever .
13 In many instances social workers picked up practical points such as those mentioned above , and dealt with them immediately : arrangements were hastily made to provide counselling for those young people who were unaware of the dangers of AIDS and the importance of using contraceptives .
14 for those young people who refuse to stop using solvents you may want to give advice on how to avoid , or reduce damage to their health .
15 There could hardly be a more opportune time for attempting to salvage something for those young people who are currently gaining little if anything from the educational system .
16 Aldercine Hodson recently took up the challenge of organising a ‘ Fun Sports Afternoon ’ for the disabled that would cater especially for those handicapped people who have athletic inclinations but not necessarily the strength to cope with competition at County , Regional or National level .
17 ( Legge ) Yes , that 's absolutely right and there will be no change for those elderly people who have paid into the benefits system .
18 Well I think we should take another look at what you actually said this time with subtitles for those poor people who are n't telepathic .
19 But for those other people who were actually at the meeting agreed Didcot are not considering this step .
20 For those old people who want to continue living outside institutional life , it means in many cases living alone or away from their children and grandchildren , or perhaps giving up their own homes to live in ‘ sheltered accommodation ’ overseen by a warden and social workers .
21 Who is the main source of help for those older people who need help with the basic activities of daily living ?
22 Now if you knew which numbers were selected less frequently than others , and you kept that information to yourself and you bet on those numbers that were selected less frequently , then unless there 's any special reason why those numbers should produce fewer score draws than other numbers , you 're giving yourself an advantage because on the weeks in which those numbers produce score draws there are fewer people who 'll have them down as their numbers , and so there 's more money around for those few people who have them down , including you , and so if you win , then you 'd expect to win more money .
23 Wimpey is looking for five young people who would be excited by the idea of travelling to far flung destinations — like Panama , Chile or Malaysia .
24 Er for , for people who are going to group and and , for any young people who are going observers there are special arrangements to be made which does n't relate to our official represented district , I 'm sorry about that !
25 Instead , there has been a pressure for community homes for education for young black people who have been made the subject of care orders because of their offending .
26 The Enterprise Development Partnership has been spearheaded by social services , and will aim to provide jobs for young Asian people who want to train in food preparation and business skills .
27 But how was it possible for two different people who clearly knew some basic mechanical principles to have a go and produce answers that were nonsense ?
28 This seminar is intended for both non-technical people who wish to gain a thorough understanding of data communications and those with a computing background who need to be brought up to speed in this area .
29 The curriculum for most young people who have left school involves academic or vocational courses which prepare them for specific adult roles .
30 But I say for most ordinary people who play it , it 's a pastime .
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