Example sentences of "for [adj] [noun] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once again the Party was preparing for armed struggle and the stunning German victory of 1940 would have appeared to many Vietnamese to be ‘ the moment of great opportunity ’ .
2 After Johnson was jailed for 5 and a half years for armed robbery and the escape attempt , the Home Office said that a full inquiry had been carried out and they were satisfied there was no negligence by staff at Bullingdon Prison .
3 The Corpus of Knowledge was developed from the findings of wide ranging research and has provided a basis for all of HCIMA 's education initiatives , such as programmes of study for professional qualifications and the national Accreditation of Prior Learning network and the introduction of an Industrial Experience Scheme for teachers .
4 I am on the bus for Fifty-five minutes and the journey begins to get quite boring .
5 The round pencil can be used for all subjects ; whilst the flat pencil can be used for broad strokes and the finest lines , when worn to a chisel edge .
6 No , I 've got her a box of things , I did a little box up with bits in all some for fifty p and a pound , doing that up and hair bands for her , giving her , given a little box with all little bits and pieces in it
7 For fifty years since the posthumous publication of Henri Pirenne 's Mahomet et Charlemagne ( 1937 ) scholars have been debating what they have labelled its ‘ thesis ’ : that the ancient rhythms of an undivided Mediterranean civilization had enough tenacity to survive Germanic invasions and settlements , and were disrupted and transformed only as a consequence of the spread of Muslim power , cutting the Mediterranean in half .
8 I think they 've got their cost structures er a a little bit out of line and I have to be honest that I think that some of them have thought that er all you have to do is , you know , keep a brass plate outside your door for fifty years and the work would roll in .
9 The first of the Wills titles was granted for political services but the family members served all parties .
10 A report in The Nation ( Bangkok , Thailand ) of Oct. 28 quoted a Myanma government official as saying that 1,087 people had been detained for political offences since the military takeover on Sept. 18 , 1988 , and that 100 people had been sentenced to death during the previous three months by both military tribunals and civilian courts .
11 That would certainly suit the Jaguar management 's book and has less potential for political embarrassment than an unruly hostile bid .
12 The Education Committee evaluated Village school for possible closure because the teacher had reached the age of retirement .
13 Here we look more closely at some of the building blocks in the creation of the sex beast or , more accurately , the way that suitable building material is being shaped for possible use if an opportunity occurs .
14 And it says : ‘ A more comprehensive investigation ’ is needed to find out whether concrete can contain the radioactivity for 3000 years while the radioactivity decays .
15 Rough ground needs care for 70 yards until the roof drops and further progress is possible only by crawling ; here amateur explorers must turn back to daylight , lack of experience denying them further access into a waterfall chamber and eventual emergence at Calf Holes .
16 The number of symptoms was computed for each subject and the groups were compared for the proportion having 1 and 2 symptoms .
17 In the female nude the painted surface and the body become ciphers for each other and every stroke and layer of impasto may be read for traces of desire .
18 Of course lamb and fine burgundy were born for each other and the Chateau Grancey 1982 was memorable .
19 Non-belief in God also means there is no way of shirking collective responsibility for each other and the planet .
20 Jacques Delors and his mates should note there are only two things which unite Europe hatred for each other and the influence of America .
21 There are separate oil pressure gauges for each engine and a battery of rectangular instruments giving the usual Ts and Ps .
22 Mail messages are accumulated for each user and the number of currently stored messages is shown in the display page header .
23 Mail messages are accumulated for each user and the number of currently held messages is shown at the top of each display page .
24 The talks focussed on the strengths and weaknesses , the opportunities and the threats for each brand and the state of the business in the major markets , as well as explaining the structure of the new marketing organisation .
25 IBM claims that the Power/4 implements a unique parallel processing architecture , with memory bottlenecks reduced by the use of local memory for each processor in addition to shared system memory , eliminating the need for continuous updating of the cache for each processor unless the data is actually shared .
26 access another user 's files except with the expressed approval of the owner for each occasion unless the files have been established for such access ;
27 Levels of lighting should be assessed for each child and a good contrast of print on paper provided .
28 The stakes are placed on the board , one for each honour and the game , two for ‘ Matrimony ’ ( King and Queen of trumps ) , two for ‘ Intrigue ’ ( Queen and Knave ) , and six for ‘ Pope Joan ’ ( the nine of diamonds ) .
29 As a guide to these priorities , a summary of the comments made about each type was prepared in matrix-format , showing also the main information category for each sub-system and the importance of each sub-system in relation to the primary role of the EPH Fig 11.14 ) .
30 Equally , there may be a separate policy for each individual or a master policy , covering everyone in the scheme .
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