Example sentences of "for [noun] that [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 None of that , for reasons that I have already explained , is put in jeopardy by the trust proposal .
2 I am glad to have the chance of following the hon. Member for Honiton ( Sir P. Emery ) , the Chairman of the Procedure Select Committee , although I strongly disagree with his suggestions , for reasons that I have given before and hope to repeat this evening .
3 The police service themselves recognize that there has to be a a need for change that they have to be brought up to date er and er I think you 'll see when I a announce my decisions on the Sheahy report er that er I am taking the need to er reform the police service , very seriously indeed .
4 Another worry is that the existence of guaranteed compensation will encourage some farmers to apply for grants for operations that they have no real intention of carrying out , simply in order to become eligible for compensation .
5 In English and Welsh courts the position remains that defendants are only liable for losses that they have caused and , as Mr Justice Hobhouse put it , the plaintiffs had ‘ failed altogether to prove their case on causation ’ .
6 If you read the paragraph carefully you will find your eyes continually moving to the pie chart for confirmation that you have understood what has been written .
7 A shorthand representation of the above structure would be ‘ It is for X that we have listed the properties … ’ where the element presented as given is ‘ we have listed the properties … for X ’ and the element presented as new is ‘ X = such customers ’ .
8 I like that Mr Woodall — he 's good , though I do n't think he 's got the feeling for pigs that you have . ’
9 was a little girl on her fifteenth birthday and has it it 's like an M O T Certificate , only it 's an M O L Certificate for life that you have to do after your sixty five .
10 According to this interpretation , at least two of the contexts for evaluation that we have identified become aspects of the same thing .
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