Example sentences of "have [to-vb] that you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It had to be a British car , of course , since Pringle 's did so much business with the local automotive industry — not that Vic has ever driven a foreign car : foreign cars are anathema to him , their sudden invasion of British roads in the 1970s marked the beginning of the region 's economic ruin in his view — but he has to admit that you do n't have a lot of choice in British cars when it comes to matching the top-of-the-range Mercedes and BMWs .
2 The basis of the book is that we are unfulfilled because we 've grown too sophisticated for God , we 're lonely , we 're morally confused , and I think God is the answer for this , it fashions , religion fashions the kind of community in which you 're redeemed from loneliness , it gives you the sense that when you come close to the end of your life you do n't have to panic that you have wasted your life because religion can show you that you have made a difference to the world .
3 And , and then er at that particular time you know and er then unemployment you , I you had to see each firm was issued with the and the firms had to agree that you had to sign a contract of employment so that er if you were leaving or he was paying you off , you had to be given two weeks ' notice either way before they pay you off .
4 You had to show that you understood the suffering , knew the price it exacted , as a fellow human being , before you even thought of bringing Christ into it .
5 On top of your fear , anger and guilt , you have to accept that you have no control over what happens next .
6 I think you just have to accept that you have fairly shy fish — but they obviously like their home , as they are breeding .
7 But you have to remember that you have a life of your own to get on with . ’
8 So erm what I 'm trying to say here then is that the federal government is important , the federal government tries wherever possible to guide states into , into good practice and it offers rewards to states to comply with , with federal er guidelines so that , you know , if you want federal aid for er a particular project you have to , if you accept federal money , you have to ensure that you meet certain standards or certain conditions , but a very convenient way of enforcing civil rights er policies .
9 In theory , you have to ensure that you have at least two trees in flower at the same time so that they can pollinate each other , otherwise you may get no fruit at all .
10 THE words , written on Holloway Prison paper , are simple but poignant : ‘ We both have to say that you have two daughters to be very proud of .
11 I think we have to admit that you 've tried and failed .
12 Never feel a failure if you have to admit that you do n't know the answer to a friend 's question .
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