Example sentences of "have [pos pn] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Board has my warm support in its task of gathering together all Catholic women 's organisations and listening to their varied voices .
2 The actuarial profession has its earliest origins in the UK and we have a clear objective of communicating with our professional colleagues in other countries .
3 Ozone is dispersed throughout the atmosphere but has its highest concentrations between 20 and 30 kilometers above the Earth 's surface in the stratosphere , and even then only one molecule out of every 100,000 is ozone .
4 ‘ Each kind of eagle has its sacred site in whose sanctuary dark forces weaken and lose their grip .
5 In the USA there is a high significance correlation with flexibility of operation , suggesting that the ability to overcome the communication gap between R&D and production noted previously has its major benefit in adherence to programme .
6 The Keynesian view implies that the money supply has its major effect on economic activity via the impact of interest rates on investment expenditures .
7 The emergence of the enterprise union form of organisation after World War II , and the importance attaching to its role in the industrial relations system , has its economic basis in the practice of lifetime employment for key employees .
8 The GRP rod has its best application for kites in the range of diameters from 1.5mm to 10mm ( 1/16 to 3/8in nominal ) .
9 He argues that each form of kinship has its distinctive form of arrangements .
10 The Flexifoil also has its only spar in a low set leading edge , above which there is first a narrow open mesh air intake slot , and then a steeply cambered upper surface .
11 Brunner by contrast appealed to the Reformers , and especially to Calvin , in support of his contentions that there is a ‘ general revelation ’ of God in the ordering of the created universe , simply because it is of his making and bears his signature , and that this has its subjective correlate in man , made in God 's image .
12 They may have been the gigantic reptilian analogue of the elephant , and it may be no coincidence that the elephant also has its nasal openings on top of the skull , with the nostrils in this case sited at the end of the trunk it has been suggested that some sauropods may have had a proboscis of some sort .
13 S. Maria in Cosmedin in Rome still has its elegant tower of c. 1200 in seven storeys , each of which is arcaded , and has a brick cornice .
14 Michael Tippett 's New Year has its European premiere in July .
15 Jane Austen , whose attitude to the Gothic will shortly be discussed , would certainly have thought Disraeli 's proposal ludicrous as a means of restoring authority to great houses ; but the notion has its actual antecedents in certain aspects of eighteenth-century Gothic taste .
16 As an exception the Merger Regulation does not apply if a merger has its primary impact within one Member State .
17 The 1992-H has its shallow bowl in brown rather than the more common black , supporting a Tamo ash top with a single cutaway .
18 The rising yen also has its dark side for domestic Japanese companies .
19 This is the Court of Chancery : which has its decaying houses and its blighted lands in every shire ; which has its worn-out lunatic in every madhouse , and its dead in every churchyard ; which has its ruined suitor , with his slipshod heels and threadbare dress , borrowing and begging through the round of every man 's acquaintance ; which gives to monied might , the means abundantly of wearying out the right ; which so exhausts finances , patience , courage , hope : so overthrows the brain and breaks the heart ; that there is not an honourable man among its practitioners who would not give — who does not often give — the warning , " Suffer any wrong that can be done you , rather than come here " .
20 The BBC still has its live coverage of the international matches and the NatWest Trophy , and it will also be screening highlights of the other matches but of necessity these will appear at the usual anti-social hours .
21 The BBC still has its live coverage of the international matches and the NatWest Trophy , and it will also be screening highlights of the other matches but of necessity these will appear at the usual anti-social hours .
22 Each patch of colour in the boats and trees has its equivalent patch on the water but these colours , even the whites , move increasingly towards the amber of the water and enable you to see through .
23 ‘ In this section — ‘ qualified company ’ means a company which satisfies the following conditions , namely — ( a ) it is incorporated in the United Kingdom and has its principal place of business there ; ( b ) at least the relevant percentage of its shares ( taken as a whole ) , and of each class of its shares , is legally and beneficially owned by one or more qualified persons or companies ; and ( c ) at least the relevant percentage of its directors are qualified persons ; ‘ qualified person ’ means — ( a ) a person who is a British citizen resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom , or ( b ) a local authority in the United Kingdom ; and ‘ the relevant percentage ’ means 75 per cent .
24 Section 14(7) states that ‘ qualified person ’ means a person who is a British citizen resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom and that ‘ qualified company ’ means a company which is incorporated in the United Kingdom and has its principal place of business there ; at least 75 per cent .
25 No more than the fact that a company owning a fishing vessel is incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom does the fact that it has its principal place of business in the United Kingdom and that 75 per cent .
26 The Nag 's Head still has its decorative painting on glass by Cosmo Clark over the fireplace in the public bar , and some original chairs .
27 Cheedale has its usual crop of new additions .
28 Management delegation and consultation within companies has its wider reflection in the institutions of Japan 's democratic polity .
29 Bismarck still stressed the federal nature of the union , saying , ‘ The German Empire has its firm basis in the princes ’ loyalty to the federation ( Bundestreue ) , in which its future also lies . ’
30 The whole conception , in the words of Cornford , is ‘ static and geometrical ; everything has its limited field with bounds that must not be passed ’ .
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