Example sentences of "have [vb pp] something to do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This has got something to do with the murder of his family , has n't it ?
2 ‘ Perhaps no food for hours , and two mega-pills , has got something to do with it . ’
3 They behaved as if I 'd got something to do with the wretched man 's disappearance .
4 I just could n't , I thought I thought it 'd got something to do with absence .
5 " I just wish to God I 'd had something to do with it .
6 He suggested instead that perhaps one of the two white men to see her alive last may have had something to do with her death .
7 The spelling , on the other hand , may have had something to do with the poet Dylan Thomas , then an intensely romantic and dissolute figure .
8 But it may also have had something to do with the fact that the Independent co-sponsored the exhibition .
9 Richardson was extraordinarly charismatic , dressed in very tight trousers and thigh-length boots — which may have had something to do with my infatuation — and he characterised Richard as a man of great vanity , constantly picking up a mirror and checking himself in it .
10 This may have had something to do with the fact that the theatre , a lean-to affair of wood and canvas , was built against the ruined wall of the Bishop 's Palace next to Glasgow Cathedral .
11 Afterwards Grayling tried to think of some reason in the environment that might have had something to do with the outburst .
12 The fact that we were making love in the Parsons ' matrimonial bed , the sheets still warm and smelly from their previous occupant , may have had something to do with it as well .
13 On these grounds he had as good a claim as either the king of Wessex or of León to call himself an emperor ; and his great prestige may well have had something to do with it .
14 I mean , if she 's peculiar , do you think she could have had something to do with Dominic 's death ? ’
15 This may have had something to do with the start of the Variscan orogeny .
16 It might have had something to do with her illness , the eating disorder bulimia .
17 The other may well have had something to do with a desire to spike police interference with football .
18 ‘ Last week , the incident happened just after the chance I missed , which may have had something to do with it .
19 He could not help thinking that Eleanor Fuller might have had something to do with the mischief-making .
20 Despite the noise of the traffic out in the piazza , the room had a peaceful sense of intimacy about it which may have had something to do with the large low beds and the subtle green and white colours .
21 Early in the new century the Manchester and Salford Scuttlers were succeeded by a new generation calling themselves ‘ Ikes ’ or ‘ Ikey Lads ’ , a name which may have had something to do with distinctive dress-styles made by Jewish tailor shops .
22 But it stuck in his mind that getting to England was something perilous and rare like rounding the Horn , it must have had something to do with his allowing himself to get so wholly cut off from Constanza later on .
23 Neither at Syracuse nor at Cyrene did the native element , which consisted partly of nomads ( JRS , 1978 , p. 224 ) , much influence the quality of Greek culture , except that the need to impress the Libyan locals may have had something to do with the long survival of the Battiad kingship .
24 I think the fact that I was abroad at the time may have had something to do with it — having left the country I 'd also left my conscience behind .
25 ‘ I suppose he 'll have had something to do with the animal house .
26 Jonah , disliking the task for unexplained reasons which might have had something to do with a fear of being stoned to death by the partying Ninevites , ran away .
27 Situation : A is a police-officer investigating some damage that has been done near the school A thinks that B may have had something to do with it .
28 He may even have had something to do with the forgery .
29 The fact that Butler 's party demanded ‘ home rule ’ and the nationalisation of major industries could have had something to do with this decision !
30 It may have had something to do with the bomb scares in London , when parts were shut off and traffic diverted . ’
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