Example sentences of "have [vb pp] him [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Reg Pybus , with his gun at my head , is always ready to stab me in the back though , and eighteen unlucky defeats has given him plenty of ammunition .
2 However much we may lament Mr Swinton 's recent seclusion , we are forced to conclude that it has done him nothing but good .
3 Mr Barre 's brutality has made him plenty of enemies , and recently he has lost his knack for balancing the clans .
4 I wondered if we should have given him something for his information , but he seemed too dignified .
5 He thought that none of those he had spoken to could have told him anything of the killing .
6 They continued chatting for a while , in which time Nigger got the definite impression that the six months in jail that Terry told him he had recently endured for receiving stolen property , had taught him nothing at all .
7 By then his triumphs there had given him something of the aura of the awaited one : his following was already in place ; he needed only to organize it .
8 And , after all , The Last Days of Dolwyn had made him something of a film star .
9 He had lived with miracles and wonderments all his life , ever since his uncle had told him something about the family 's history and the eternal presence of Seth in their lives .
10 She had told him nothing of what her interviews with Mrs Diamond and Morpurgo had yielded and he had not pressed her to do so .
11 Her boyfriend was not interested and later denied that she had told him anything about it .
12 His mother had shown him lots of things , photographs and even odds and ends she 'd had as a child , but she 'd never shown him her wedding-dress .
13 From an idealised , spiritual love for Kee which always had something sickly and perverse about it , he plunged into the lightless sub-world of labour , submerging himself in its mean and desperate poverty , as if to kill off once and for all the romanticism which had brought him nothing but pain .
14 But fortunately Catherine had left him something of herself , her daughter Cathy .
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