Example sentences of "have [vb pp] one of their " in BNC.

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1 And there was more bad news for United today — Bristol City are complaining to the Football Association about a foul which has put one of their players out of the game for two months .
2 for one thing , if we 'd taken one of their houses and I 'd died first , my wife would of been left without a home
3 For example , people may be understandably reluctant to commit their personal financial details to paper , or discuss the real reasons why they may have left one of their previous jobs .
4 Indeed , the Minister of the Legation , Captain ( later Sir ) Vyvyan Holt , was later to say that he would not have survived one of their many forced marches in intense cold had it not been for Blake 's courage and help .
5 When Aubrey had accepted one of their many invitations to come on a lengthy visit , it did cross Harry 's mind that his resemblance to his sister might bring back painful memories , but although Aubrey had now been here over a week , he , Harry , had felt no desire to wish himself free of his engagement .
6 The impression had been conveyed to him , he noted , that Burun had seen one of their attackers — but not closely enough to identify him .
7 And next door to him , number five they 're an elderly couple erm and they 've got one of their sons living there at erm he 's disabled in some way but I 'm not quite sure how .
8 If the client is confident that he 's getting the best deal from us , he will say , alright Birmingham ar are cheaper than York on a route improvement say , but I 've had one of their cheap jobs before .
9 It was some time since she and Papa had played one of their fierce games ; he never gave quarter to anyone , but she thought that she could remember what he had taught her .
10 Since then she had become one of their most successful ‘ pillow talk ’ operatives .
11 The prosecution alleges that , to justify the shooting , the soldiers said they opened fire on a stolen car after it had struck one of their patrol .
12 We 've reviewed one of their singles before .
13 If just one of them had sent one of their grandmothers , and I could come out of the sun , and if I could have a silenced chain-saw , then maybe it would be fair .
14 for every successful candidate there are bound to be at least two who were pipped at the post , who jumped the final fence only to find that the client had chosen one of their fellow front-runners : and these were the ones who — by and large — responded to the survey rather than the successful ones .
15 The Anonimalle Chronicle 's account of de la Mare 's selection does not give the impression that it was usual to choose a speaker , though it is possible that the small groups which had appeared before the lords on behalf of the commons in earlier parliaments had chosen one of their number to speak on their behalf .
16 Eleanor 's father , Duke William X , had married one of their daughters ; another member of the family had been William IX 's most famous mistress .
17 Huddersfield police have painted one of their cells pink on the advice of colour therapists who claim it gives off anti-violence wavelengths The Amarant Trust has a cassette about Hormone Replacement Therapy .
18 Raleigh Ireland have presented one of their new Activator II mountain bikes to the museum 's transport gallery .
19 Some patients are more suggestible than others in this respect , but a fair proportion of food-sensitive people will react with symptoms if they think they have eaten one of their culprit foods .
20 EVERTON have lost one of their most faithful supporters with the death in Marbella of former chairman and long-serving director Bill Scott .
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