Example sentences of "have [vb pp] up from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here , black has come up from the streets and into the drawing room ; overleaf , neutral tones assert themselves .
2 Mrs Brooks , forty-three , has moved up from the role of president of US operations to overall president and chief executive officer of the company , a newly created post .
3 This is afterwards , when he has got up from the couch , when he 's making a date for the next appointment and putting on his overcoat in the hall , returning to his ordinary guarded self before he walks out on to the street .
4 ‘ Look , lady , nothing about you has measured up from the beginning .
5 Now , with the same director , part of the original company , and an influx of the new wave of circus talent that has surged up from the streets something magical has happened .
6 Horowitz nodded as he followed Hendrix out of the cabin , carrying the case he 'd picked up from the Frankfurt villa in one hand , his executive case in the other .
7 Donna sat in the sitting-room , glancing endlessly at the sheets of paper they 'd picked up from the bank that day and also at the notes Ward had left .
8 I 'd walked up from the village under a brilliantly starry sky , breathing cold shafts of early-morning air , thinking of murder .
9 Er , no , no , we were , I mean last night we 'd gone up from the week before on a rave , we 'd had about si ninety in , and last night we had about two hundred and fifty .
10 Besides these photographs were Pedro 's polo helmet , which now had a map of the Malvinas stamped on the front ( which Angel always wore in matches ) , and a jar of earth he 'd dug up from the Islands on the day he 'd been sent home as a prisoner of war .
11 When he did he could call himself a Wrath eagle , for the site he had been born to was that of the proudest and fiercest of the golden eagles of Scotland and his mother was a Wrath eagle before him , his father having flown up from the south and won his place at her side in aerial combat with other males .
12 And if your eyes followed the river westwards , you could have looked up from the valley directly on to the bald patch that was the cultivated land midway up the forested slope of Jimale .
13 Some may even have come up from the West Highland Way which runs below Am Bodach in a secluded glen parallel to Loch Leven .
14 You must have shot up from the age of fourteen or so . ’
15 I immediately asked Dennis if he was OK , and pointed out that I thought that the ball had jumped up from a good length .
16 The train was hauled by BR Standard 75069 , and was formed of five goods brakevans comprising one LMS , one SR , one GWR ‘ Toad ’ and two BR Types of van which give ample space for the party of 43 that were carried , the majority of whom had travelled up from the Bath-Bristol area by coach .
17 Yes , I mean several points that you 've raised , and these are things that I 've picked up from the newspapers and I 'll make the point , I 'm no expert but I as I understand it , the allied erm forces have erm substantially greater number of aircraft in the area than the Iraqi airforce had , so that 's one point .
18 ‘ They seemed convinced a whole lot of people had come up from the big city to show off , to be grandees , which was far from the truth .
19 Louis had come up from the saloon .
20 He had come up from the bottom and made it to the top : no one was to forget that he was at the top and everyone was supposed to forget where he had come from and how he had got where he was .
21 Last month PHILIP VANN looked at artists who had come up from the mines to become artists ; in this issue he concentrates on those artists who went down to the pit to paint
22 They were by now in Piccadilly Circus , which was as bright as day , and were surrounded by the crowds streaming from the theatres , cafés and dives which populated the area , painted ladies of a certain character being prominent among them — as well as the enthusiastic amateurs who had come up from the East End to make a few pennies , or even be given supper , as a price for their favours .
23 Philip Swallow finds the VC 's memorandum , its envelope still unopened , at the bottom of his In-tray , trapped between the pages of a brochure for Bargain Winter Breaks in Belgium which he had picked up from a local travel agency some weeks ago .
24 Ludens had picked up from the floor a sketch , acrylic on paper , representing ( perhaps ) a pale human figure emerging from a dark marsh or river .
25 Sleep covered me like an eiderdown which some invisible nurse had picked up from the floor and put back on the bed .
26 Holding the red Conway Stewart pen she had picked up from the grass , she went over the scene again and again .
27 The fragment of the Quimper dish she had picked up from the dustpan on the kitchen floor that day when she and Thérèse had seen , when she saw , when the lady had shown herself for the second time .
28 the dark clouds had crept up from the sea , and trailed across the sky .
29 You had to be the , the perfect woman who was one , who had grown up from the little girl of the eighteen-thirties who was all bouncy and skippy and optimistic ; now she had to be very quiet , she was admired for her innocence , for her delicate nature and her dainty physique .
30 It hardly seemed fair to keep them in the cage she had made out of an old claret case she had dragged up from the cellar .
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