Example sentences of "have [vb pp] out in a " in BNC.

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1 In fact , as Stephen Gallup has pointed out in a recent history of the festival , Karajan was the last surviving link with the traditions of the festival 's founding fathers .
2 As Dr Geoffrey Tresise , Keeper of Geology , Merseyside County Museum , has pointed out in a series of articles for the trade magazine Wine & Spirit , there is no physical or chemical property of Belemnite chalk which makes it either superior or inferior to Micraster for viticultural purposes and the grand cru towns of the northerly Montagne adequately demonstrate this .
3 Peter Daley of Waste Management International has pointed out in a lecture to Britain 's Royal Academy of Engineering that landfills , at the present rate of waste generation in Europe , use about two square metres of land per person per century .
4 As Jonathan Zeitlin has pointed out in a similar context , there are ways in which the product of an industry can affect the margin of manoeuvre of both employer and trade union .
5 The third point which has come out in a number erm of comments , certainly from the C P R E is the issue of overshoots in the approved structure plan in respect to Greater York , and as we made clear in paragraph eight of our er erm position statement , we accept that there has been in numeric terms in the period eighty one to ninety two something like fifteen percent overshoot in terms of completions er in that period .
6 From the fishing bag he took a scope sight and two boxes of ammunition , one of them depleted from the sighting-in that he 'd carried out in a deserted glen on the drive south .
7 Especially as apparently you 'd gone out in a hurry and not taken a handbag .
8 Scamp had done thirteen months of a two-year stretch and he could 've got out in a coupla months more if he 'd kept his nose clean .
9 ‘ Must have gone out in a hurry .
10 The universe could have started out in a very smooth and ordered state .
11 But it could equally well have started out in a very lumpy and disordered state .
12 It was making her heartbeat erratic , and her whole body had broken out in a fine dew of perspiration .
13 On the evening of Saturday 30 January , a fire had broken out in a process area on the mezzanine floor of the building .
14 What had started out as a dramatic sea chase and developed into a running battle had fizzled out in a disappointing anti-climax .
15 Tell them you 've come out in a rash , or something .
16 Felicity had come out in a severe facial rash and spent the time either screaming or staring fixedly at the paperknife on her desk .
17 The words had come out in a babble and by the time he had gathered his wits and been able to respond she had put the phone down .
18 Drew had walked out in a temper .
19 Chatichai 's coalition , then comprising six member parties , controlled 229 seats in the 347-member House of Representatives , and survived the vote with the apparently overwhelming majority of 220 to 38 , but only after most opposition members had walked out in a mark of protest .
20 Three years before this , Yale University Press had brought out in a very handsome volume called Make It New seven essays representing Pound 's criticism at its most scholarly , on such recondite topics as Cavalcanti , and Elizabethan Classicists , and early translations of Homer .
21 But J. S. Middleton , the Labour Party General Secretary , had set out in a series of published letters to Harry Pollitt , the Communist secretary , the arguments against allowing Communist affiliation : they were largely based upon the fact that the Communists adhered to the Communist International , based in Moscow , and were bound to obey its orders .
22 When someone came into the room he realised he had gone out in a sweet unconscious .
23 It was a huge shock for Leeds whose class had stood out in a one sided first half .
24 The last wild malas , a small species of wallaby , have died out in a fire in the Tanami desert of the Northern Territory .
25 We enter the area that they had been defending and everything shows that the Germans have pulled out in a hurry .
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