Example sentences of "have [vb pp] through a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nicky Summerbee has come through a fitness test on a leg strain .
2 Defender Adrian Whitbread has come through a fitness test , Micky Hazard could get a recall .
3 Ichthus has grown through a combination of traditional evangelistic methods and of rediscovery of powerful ministry in the Holy Spirit .
4 The structure of surveying education has progressed through a number of fundamental changes since the granting of a Royal Charter to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors over a hundred years ago .
5 Fusion has gone through a number of different phases .
6 The Women 's Movement in Ireland has gone through a number of different phases .
7 It has to be admitted that the railway has passed through a period of financial difficulty but now appears to be settled and operating a successful service of trains .
8 A paper by the Russian scientist D. Ivanovsky , published in 1892 and often regarded as the beginning of the science of virology , describes how a disease of tobacco plants can be transmitted by the sap after it has passed through a filter capable of retaining bacteria and other particles .
9 No amount of ingenuity with a bottle of Timotei is going to disguise the fact that , once out of the car , your average speedster looks as if he has reversed through a hedge .
10 A person in their eighties today has lived through a century of more change than at any other time in history .
11 On the general point , I do not believe that the substantial improvement in productivity has arisen through a reduction in the number of disabled people in the mines .
12 It was as if he 'd moved through a layer of reality and into something older , a prewar world of poor light and brown paint and damp walls .
13 I 'd struggled through a freelance career using a wonderful old black upright Imperial typewriter , the kind hammered manically by Jack ( ‘ Cigarette me ! ’ )
14 She 'd got through a call to him on the radio-phone that Kaptan was safe .
15 In the vast majority of burglaries , the thief either forces a door to gain entry or , having entered through a window , leaves the house by opening the front or rear door from the inside .
16 I was talking to Maazel on the morning before the performance , having battled through a snowstorm that even Puccini , in all the Pelléas -like flurries of Fanciulla 's Second Act , could hardly have exaggerated .
17 Gunn argues that Nina should have gone through a second , refurbishing phase , to bring it in line with the German accelerator , Desy .
18 In an attempt to find a model of the universe in which many different initial configurations could have evolved to something like the present universe , a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Alan Guth , suggested that the early universe might have gone through a period of very rapid expansion .
19 On June 15 the Sejm , having rushed through a redrafting process in two days , voted to adopt a revised version of the electoral law .
20 One correspondent notes that , having gone through a period of using much folk music and guitar accompaniment , ‘ this phase seems to be declining in some places ’ .
21 Quite restrictive , but having gone through a phase of ambivalence about what population they could accommodate , one view was that there was no real problem , another view in the fifties it should be cut back .
22 And maybe at the end of the day , the County Council will have to come to a conclusion , after you 've made your general recommendations , with or without a location maybe th they will decide that having gone through a consultation exercise , they 're only course is to modify the proposals which would then have to be the subject of another E I P .
23 The Austin Metro veered off the road , went across an embankment and ended up in a field , having ploughed through a fence and hedgerow .
24 On a rocky unmade track through the olive groves , we might have strayed through a time warp into a Biblical landscape .
25 She seemed to have gone through a character change .
26 USL and SCO are reported to have worked through a lot of their emotional disparity if not their pricing differences over this business of SCO adopting SVR4 .
27 However , he says he is glad to have had an experience which afforded him ‘ unique access ’ to what he calls ‘ The Grand Theme : Life and Death ’ and to have lived through a slice of contemporary history , which is for him an important interest .
28 However , he says he is glad to have had an experience which afforded him ‘ unique access ’ to what he calls ‘ The Grand Theme : Life and Death ’ and to have lived through a slice of contemporary history , which is for him an important interest .
29 In a reversal of normality , the Eiger had stared through a telescope at her .
30 By the end of that evening , after she had sat through a dinner in the large school refectory , listened to Madame Chardin 's opening speech of the term and lain in the dark listening to her new roommates , Katherine did indeed begin to feel if not at home , then at least marginally more comfortable .
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