Example sentences of "have [vb pp] at [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moscow also has trade missions in most Latin American capitals , and where trade has become at all significant joint inter-governmental commissions have been set up with the aim of promoting fulfilment of the trading agreements .
2 In assimilation , by contrast , the environment is incorporated only at the level of comprehension the child has attained at any given stage ( Furth 1969 : 14 ) .
3 This group is very well travelled and has Appeared at many international folk-dancing events .
4 The magnetic confinement fusion programme cost the US taxpayers 350 million dollars in 1984 and funding from Congress has remained at this annual figure ever since , even though inflation has continued to eat into it .
5 No , what I 'm saying is erm that having looked at each individual case that I 've sometimes felt frustrated about , I 've been glad that they are n't larger for the sake of coming down to human rights .
6 Erm , having looked at all that , I think what the issue really boils down to essentially is the willingness of the County Council and I suppose the panel , having heard what er the debate , to accept what I think is really a modest level of flexibility er er requested by the District Council .
7 Having looked at these particular protests , we will then turn our attention to the Public Order Act 1986 , and examine why the Government thought the Act to be necessary .
8 Had Theodora not been her father 's daughter , and therefore beautifully bred , she might have snorted at such palpable idiocy
9 At any other time I 'd have laughed at this innocent self-betrayal ; just now it did n't seem funny , only irritating .
10 If Cassie had not been so consumed by rage , she would have laughed at this last and patently childish remark .
11 There had been rather a mystery as to why he should have died at that particular time .
12 In the meantime , oxygen could not have accumulated at this early stage ( without biological help ) because it would absorb the same ultraviolet rays .
13 I mean I must admit I 've looked at some other flats .
14 Rachel relaxed , grateful , and gave her usual careful consideration to the matters before the meeting ; calmly ploughing through the minutiae and bureaucratic red tape of museum management , making the sort of useful contributions that she had made at any such meeting in the last twenty years .
15 For months he had been haunted by his memories of the battle of Toulouse ; reliving the bowel-loosening terror he had felt at that last conflict of the last war .
16 At first Creggan had mantled at these free birds , raising his great wings and lunging his beak towards them in a threatening way .
17 Had seemed at all depressed or anxious ? — Had seemed tired .
18 Henry Tyler would not have described her as a happy woman , but afterward he could not say that she had seemed at all unwell .
19 The number out of work in Britain which had stood at little more than half a million in 1969 , had more than doubled by the end of the 1970s ( then almost doubled again in the following two years ) .
20 In an attempt to prevent you regaining the unwanted pounds we have looked at each individual question and made some suggested solutions .
21 And they have applied two rather unique techniques to study this question ; it 's a technique that 's er , er rather unique to Oxford , it seems that across the country , most people have looked at this particular problem of reducing the fluid in the lung .
22 In our analysis of [ name ] we have looked at several quoted companies which demonstrate similarities to the business from a valuation perspective .
23 The thing that worries some people is that as it 's come at this particular time that some of the things that might have been done five years ago by Local Education Authorities to improve their whole education for children with special needs may now , either through other competing financial pressures , or through inertia or whatever , the whole spirit of Warnock could be lost , and I think it 's a thing that , you know , one will have to keep a careful eye on .
24 point of view when the information 's been com when so it 's coming in and being sorted it is better that it 's done at that particular time
25 Lots of well known people have called at this famous pub , and signed the visitor 's book .
26 The information should be clearly presented and it should be plain to the audience : what the topic is ; why you have chosen it ; what view you take on the matter ; and why you have arrived at any particular conclusions .
27 But it is not at all obvious to the audience how the couple have arrived at this happier state of affairs , neither is it entirely clear what Bill Alexander hopes to add by exercising his powers of invention on the play 's Prologue , in which an alcoholic tinker called Christopher Sly is persuaded by a group of gentry to think of himself an aristocrat — the story of the shrew being laid on as a suitable dramatic entertainment .
28 Plant age in plastochrons means the number of such intervals that have elapsed at any one time .
29 And it stays like that throughout , so the baby does not use its mechanism to control the temperature , it 's kept at that constant degree of warmth and it 's only when the baby comes out that it has to start looking after itself .
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