Example sentences of "have [vb pp] of a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most groups of pirate enthusiasts number around 10 , but New Scientist has heard of a group of 60 people swopping bootleg software .
2 Speaking at a news conference he said : ‘ Ian Lang [ the Scottish Secretary ] has talked of a referendum and I welcome that .
3 John McMannus , also a Maintenance Fitter , has thought of a way to reduce maintenance on spool gantries by fitting a limit switch for early detection of moving chain wheels .
4 Instead he has thought of a number .
5 Philip Chappell , celebrated as a champion of rights of the individual investor , has died of a brain tumour at the age of 63 : he was chairman of ICL Plc through the firm 's gathering financial crisis of 1980 and 1981 after the retirement of Tom Hudson and resignation of managing director Geoff Cross .
6 John Kemeny , co-creator with Thomas Kurtz of the Basic computer language at Dartmouth College , has died of a heart attack in Lebanon , New Hampshire ; he was 66 .
7 Since then her husband has died of a heart attack , no doubt a result of the stress caused by the endless bombing of Baghdad .
8 THE former prime minister of Pakistan , Mohammad Khan Junejo , has died of a heart attack in Baltimore in the United States , where he was undergoing treatment for leukaemia .
9 Mr Reynolds is admitted to hospital because he has complained of a change in bowel habit and rectal bleeding .
10 He 'd heard of a buyer with a hunger that was not being satisfied through conventional markets , and Klein had allowed it to be known that he might be able to lay his hands on something attractive .
11 Your analogy would be more accurate if you 'd talked of a mechanic saying he was going to the boot of my car to check the battery , having of course meant to say the bonnet .
12 There 'd been a repeat of the sensational reports about Waite — he 'd died of a heart attack in an Iranian prison camp and his body returned to Beirut , or the island of Cyprus was on alert for his imminent release — and a three-day series on all the hostages in the Independent , but there was still no questioning of government policy nor a proper analysis of what was really happening .
13 He 'd thought of a way , how he could get out without his Mum and Dad knowing .
14 The house was perfect — well , it would have been perfect ; it needed a complete overhaul , of course , redecorating from top to bottom , and then I 'd thought of building some guest-houses , and it seemed a little silly to have a villa with perfect anchorage unless I used it , so I 'd thought of a yacht
15 I 'd thought of a course of Lenten addresses . ’
16 In it , she confronted him with evidence she 'd unearthed of a conspiracy against her and accused him of being behind it .
17 ‘ I doubt if you 'll have heard of a Romany having a magistrate removed from office either , Mr Peck , but make one arrest here and you 're very likely to be the first . ’
18 You may have heard of a technique called ‘ path analysis ’ and have wondered if it referred to the methods discussed in this chapter .
19 This has nothing to do with how policemen look nor even of never having heard of a bunch called James , who are apparently big stars , have their name emblazoned all over a chic t-shirt and of whom one had never heard till yesterday .
20 It was while we were sitting there that my father must have died of a heart attack in Bath .
21 For a start he would drown , or if he did n't drown he would suffocate ; and most probably he would have died of a heart attack when he felt the great mouth gape for him .
22 If I could have thought of a use for it at the time , I would have stayed and bid .
23 Not only can no prehistoric or Roman nucleated settlement be found , but Saxon settlement in the area seems to have consisted of a scatter of farms ( vills or manors ) with an isolated church between them .
24 The league said it would not send cats to Coundon as it had heard of a case of a kitten being used as live bait for dogs .
25 He paid calls to La Vieille Cité , famed for its antiquities , where he was politely entertained and actually bought a little Renaissance bronze relief , but no one had heard of a cross coming on the market in recent years .
26 Last night , a detective investigating the theft said that although this type of crime was becoming increasingly prevalent , it was the first time he had heard of a baby being used as a decoy .
27 Last night a detective investigating the theft said that , although this type of crime was becoming increasingly prevalent , it was the first time he had heard of a baby being used as a decoy .
28 President Poincaré wrote gloomily in his diary : ‘ Encore une défaillance ! ‘ , revealing that this was not the first news he had received of a lapse of morale at Verdun .
29 I 've heard of a pub crawl … but a hospital crawl ?
30 ‘ I 've heard of a tunnel built by the school 's founder for emergencies , ’ said Mcduff .
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