Example sentences of "have [vb pp] down on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Unmistakably , though , he has come down on the side of the demonstrators and against Erich Honecker , the East German leader .
2 This remedy may come up after a Belladonna sore throat has gone down on the chest .
3 Erm but I say there , there were a couple of erm objections that came up during the course of the conversation which really resulted because you , you 'd fallen down on the actual structure , but having said that then again there were two or three examples that you apacked and you got through very well and you , you recovered yourself well on that and , and I say really I think that 's er that 's covered most of the bits that , that I felt were , were there .
4 I 'd also taken stock of just how deep the ravine was a yard or so to my right — on a previous visit to this rocky Brecon summit I 'd looked down on a pair of RAF Tornadoes streaking through on a high-adrenalin exercise .
5 Because my head landed on his teeth it hurt me more than if I 'd smacked down on the bridge of his nose .
6 ‘ Or you could have kept down on the platform , ’ Ace added .
7 A bi-partisan approach to foreign policy could be maintained in the most momentous ever commitment in US foreign policy , the North Atlantic Pact , but it had broken down on the issue of China even if ‘ the attack of the primitives ’ , as Acheson put it , had as much to do with Truman 's unexpected victory in the presidential election in 1948 and the consequent fury and frustration of the Republican Party .
8 Production day supervisor Bob Hodson illustrated the point : ‘ ICI phoned earlier to say the tanker with the morning delivery of phenol had broken down on the motorway and would n't be here until four o'clock .
9 She had detoured through the town 's central square on the way home and had sat down on a bench , raising her head to the trees .
10 One or two of the demonstrating ladies had sat down on the pavement ( they should never have shown Gandhi on TV ) and were singing ‘ the one with the waggerly tail … ’ with gusto .
11 If a bird had looked down on the quarry in the next few seconds it would have been amazed .
12 Now there was some dispute over whether Berlin or Bonn should be the capital , they 've come down on the side of Berlin , but is that dispute settled now ?
13 This time there was no knife , they just got him on the floor and it was just a fist which had come down on the man 's face again and again .
14 Her hand had come down on the spider and it had bitten her .
15 During August , Russia 's Constitutional Court had come down on the side of Izvestiya and Yeltsin , while the Prosecutor 's Office and the Russian Federal Property Fund had unsuccessfully supported the Supreme Soviet .
16 She wore her hair squeezed up into a ballooning Afro by the same red bandana that she had worn down on the dock the first time Trent had seen her .
17 He had settled down on the settee , watching her every move as she 'd put the kettle on and taken salad and cold meat from the fridge .
18 She was not proud to have been the cause of splitting her family up ; nor could she forget how her father 's love had turned to disgust ; and how could she easily reveal the shame which she had brought down on the Wards ?
19 Hammond moved from the doorway , picking up the map Kim had set down on the table .
20 Well , in actual fact we 've cut down on the boxing bit
21 White as any linen , she had sunk down on a rock .
22 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton , the minister responsible for home affairs in Scotland , confirmed that the Government had backed down on a proposal to abolish a contributory band for those applicants seeking advice and assistance .
23 Welsh Water has dragged many old-age pensioners and under-privileged people through the courts of Wales because they have fallen down on the odd instalment on their water charges .
24 ‘ We would deny any suggestion we have backed down on an agreement .
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