Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [that] they [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Even the chairman of the National Westminster bank has conceded that they should look at that issue .
2 ‘ It 's the Iti 's turn to have a go at us tonight , Hitler has said that they may have a good go at us , as a reward for their help to him . ’
3 Even Senator Malcolm Wallop , one of the staunchest advocates of laser battle stations , has said that they will not be the ‘ ultimate ’ weapon .
4 The series ' existence has hitherto only been known to people who visited the late Dollie de Rothschild 's ( died 1988 ) private house in London , but her heir Lord Rothschild has decided that they should go on display next year in Waddesdon Manor , the house she gave to the National Trust during her lifetime .
5 Because several tutors failed to keep to the new time table for applications the Board has decided that they will have to revert to the original dates for the Written Examination entries .
6 Now , as far as Conservatives are concerned , I speak myself and I 'm sure everyone here would offer the same sympathy as the the government has promised that they will do something about this .
7 ‘ My experience of Christian missions has proved that they may be very good at saving souls , or bodies if they 're medical missions , but for the most part they 're not very good at business .
8 Heber 's study , the Post said , ‘ revealed not that mental deficiencies are passed on genetically , but that mentally retarded mothers tend to create an environment that is less conducive to mental development than that created by slum neighbours of normal intelligence , ’ The New York Times told its readers : ‘ The Milwaukee Project , an experiment in intensive preschool education for ( potentially retarded ) children , has proved that they can be raised more than 30 test points higher than other children from the same environment and with the same type of mother . ’
9 A Hungarian government spokesman has warned that they would probably be killed at the airport if they were returned to Mongolia .
10 One researcher has suggested that they may be able to detect the very low frequency vibrations that are created in the water by waves and reflected back from the ocean floor , an echo-location system similar in principle to that used , at the other extreme end of the frequency scale , by bats .
11 Also , these cultures are almost identical to those found naturally in the stomach ; medical evidence has suggested that they may aid digestion and also help protect against certain illnesses .
12 Already one carefully leaked report has suggested that they will share a bed there , even though hotel workers have been told they prefer separate suites .
13 So I explained to him and he was very nice , er but one of the things that they 'd said that they would do , is get all the news broadcasters er to sign consent forms
14 I 'd imagined that they would eat food fit for pigs , and look upon our food with distaste .
15 If he 'd thought about it at all , he 'd imagined that they could find the Shuttle plane and wedge the Thing on it somewhere .
16 No one thought the speaker should have added that they would not hew wood for Lord Salisbury ; the divisions within the Council which would become so painfully evident over the Boer War were between Gladstonian Liberals and Liberal Imperialists , with the odd Liberal Unionist added for decoration , not between Liberals and Conservatives .
17 ‘ Whoever put the clothes there might reasonably have expected that they would be found within a few days ? ’
18 The services were cut so drastically that at the time no one in their right mind would have forecast that they would become so bad .
19 Their replies to my questions may not be those that I had in mind , but by telling them that they were incorrect I would probably have ensured that they would not be so willing to answer again .
20 ‘ They may have decided that they might n't like the loss of privacy or would n't feel happy handling the money , ’ she says .
21 Having decided that they would accept Mr Cowdrill as a franchisee , Athena took responsibility for finding him a suitable site , in a prime position in Sutton Coldfield .
22 ‘ She could never have dreamed that they would both be lost . ’
23 Pension schemes are vital to many of our constituents , and I should have thought that they would be of equal importance to Conservative Members in Scotland , who may soon have to look to their own pension schemes although the Minister has reassured me that he may have other arrangements .
24 Erm you 'd have thought that they would have taken the trouble to erm you know to do some bit of arm twisting .
25 Settlement ‘ I would have thought that they would have learned from the public ridicule of the last month and made certain that they did n't get up to these things again , ’ he told the Press Association .
26 Especially after all the hype about 15pt gap you 'd have thought that they 'd have been looking at the ‘ nearest rival trying to close the gap ! ! ’ .
27 He had give his name as E. Thomas Reardon and it turned out to be a pseudonym , so cheques left on the mantel were useless , and he must have known that they would be .
28 On Feb. 16 Vellayati held talks in Moscow with Bessmertnykh , and Aziz flew to Moscow on Feb. 17 , after first crossing by road into Iran ( coalition commanders having announced that they could not guarantee his safety in Iraqi airspace ) .
29 Durham 1 arrived at Darlington minus Beeson and Dave Smith , but could never have conceived that they could lose .
30 He could have complained that they should have asked him earlier .
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