Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [that] i [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm so impressed with the speed with which the Czech centre has moved that I 'm confident about the future , ’ he said .
2 Finally he has decided that I 'm just the vet he needs to be responsible for their health . ’
3 Your conduct has confirmed that I was utterly correct to abbreviate your filthy title to NewSS — as you represent , by your conduct , the new form of fascism .
4 You see I 've decided that I 'm going to leave Clinique the the expensive make-up er for some , you know until I get myself re-established financially .
5 ‘ I thought I 'd explained that I 'm doing it because I want to . ’
6 Although he 'd written that I was not a fantasy for him , he had dreamed me , written me , into a woman far less flawed than I am , or ever could be .
7 He was almost relieved — for one ghastly moment , he 'd thought that I was going to tell him I loved him .
8 Mark : I suppose the point at which my public coming out started was 1976–7 , though I 'd known that I was gay from a much earlier age .
9 Interestingly enough , after I 'd announced that I was going to do this , my very first clients were all the star names who had asked about the sound I got when I was playing !
10 Then I spent three years there and it was only three weeks after I 'd left that I was offered the part of Russell in Butterflies .
11 He must have sensed that I was looking at him , he suddenly glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and , still cleaning the mess tin with his finger , he said quietly , ‘ Why are you staring at me like that , Piper ?
12 So far , readers may have gathered that I am disenchanted with the credit scene in the UK .
13 Having said that I 'm much happier with Beaney in goal .
14 Having said that I 'm not disappointed that we 're set to play Linfield and not Tbilisi .
15 Having said that I 'm not disappointed that we 're set to play Linfield and not Tbilisi .
16 He and I have been friends for many years , so it may have helped that I was there to give him some confidence in the project .
17 Looking back , it might actually have helped that I was a bit blue .
18 I 've made some well some very big sacrifices especially early on in my career when nobody would have known that I was probably even in the country .
19 ‘ I 've heard that I 'm the most unsavoury , unconscionable character that ever existed but people all want to be associated with me and sit with me , ’ he said .
20 Whereas before I used to say let's do this or that and worry if it was n't done , now I 've decided that I 'm really not going to worry about the garden any more .
21 He had noticed that I was having difficulty reading my scripts during rehearsal .
22 Also , during my last year at Oxford , I had noticed that I was getting rather clumsy in my movements .
23 On the subject of personal hygiene and ‘ standards ’ in general , I had noticed that I was beginning to swear rather too much in my own thoughts .
24 If the driver had seen that I was hurt , he would have stopped , and I was not up to explaining why I could not accept a lift .
25 It transpired that Gilbert , always a joker , had said that I was fourteen ; I was , in fact , twenty-three .
26 It was the kind of illogical fear of the supernatural that in others made me sneer ; but all along I had felt that I was invited not out of hospitality , but for some other reason .
27 By this time she had decided that I was utterly irresponsible ( in spite of my record toast-making ) , and she said that I should wear warmer clothes .
28 But I had decided that I was n't going to wear the arrow suit for Truro Daine .
29 I had thought that I was the only murderer in the family , but old Eric beat me to it , killing his mum before he had even drawn breath .
30 Later they told me that the examination had shown that I was not yet sixteen and that I was to be sent back on the next flight . ’
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