Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv] after [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now , as she crossed into Farringdon Street and saw familiar landmarks , she stopped and put down her bag , gazing about her with the pleasure of someone who has come home after a long absence .
2 Mark has settled well after a hiccough at the start .
3 In fact the Middle East has recovered well after the Gulf War .
4 Howe has returned home after a scare over a chest condition .
5 Reed has taken his chance to impress and win the place that might have gone to England 's Wade Dooley , who has returned home after the death of his father .
6 As such , the continued separate attitudes of Nottinghamshire miners towards the working practices implemented by the NCB ( see Krieger , 1983 ) point to the fact that the Dukeries culture has lasted long after the events and institutions that created it , and provide a basis for appreciating why Nottinghamshire was different in 1984–5 .
7 As they did detectives continued their search for the driver who 'd disappeared immediately after the crash .
8 She sank down on to the bed and glanced at the writing pad that she 'd tossed there after a brief effort to write to Arnie .
9 The second quotation should have closed immediately after the words ‘ New Foreign Office ’ , but as the paper stands it can easily be misconstrued that the Report recommended Scott 's appointment .
10 Responding to the Amnesty report in a BBC interview on April 19 , the then Minister for Planning , Salman Abdul Razek as Mutawa , denied that human rights violations were continuing unchecked , although he acknowledged that some human rights violations may have occurred immediately after the liberation of the country .
11 There might also be quite a number of very much smaller black holes scattered around the universe , formed not by the collapse of stars but by the collapse of highly compressed regions in the hot , dense medium that is believed to have existed shortly after the big bang in which the universe originated .
12 As it turned out , the police officer concerned told us that , provided the details Carol remembered under hypnosis tallied precisely with the details she had given immediately after the crime , there would be no problem .
13 The only minor consolation was that prices had fallen just after the war , though that situation was not to last long .
14 The two security men Dexter had interviewed immediately after the murder were on duty when the sergeant loped into the headquarters of TV London late that same afternoon .
15 They had done so after a period of co-operation and consultation with East Germany which looks in retrospect like a laying of the groundwork for what was to come in both Germanys .
16 After all , during the First World War prices had been held to a twofold increase : the inflationary explosion had occurred immediately after the war .
17 It was never clear exactly what in his wife 's behaviour had felt so rejecting and triggered off his attack on her , but the attack had occurred shortly after the birth of their first child .
18 While France was content for Germany to remain divided , it was concerned about its new neighbour , the Federal Republic of West Germany , not least about the rapid economic growth that had occurred there after a major currency reform in 1948 .
19 Carl had got home after a long day .
20 There was that staunch anti-militarist , socialist and crypto-anarchist , Anatole France , ( having attempted to enlist , aged seventy ) resuming his seat among the Conservatives of the Académie which he had abandoned shortly after the Affair .
21 Relations between the USA and Japan had deteriorated sharply after the successful Japanese occupation in 1931 of the Chinese province of Manchuria ; and American concern about the growing power of Japan in the Far East had greatly increased after the invasion of northern China by Japanese armies in 1937 ( AA , pp. 22–4 ) .
22 It was the tall woman who had slipped away after the funeral service .
23 The silence had seemed long after the habit of receiving notes , letters .
24 When he was seen in the special department , after blood tests for syphilis , taken as a last resort , had turned out strongly positive , he remembered having noticed a sore on his penis some five months earlier but had not bothered with it as it was not painful and had gone away after a couple of weeks .
25 The girls had looked at each other curiously and Antonia had trailed obediently after the older woman .
26 Before lapsing into a coma Suzanne , who had left home after a row with her stepfather , told rescuers she had been held captive for a week .
27 ‘ Bruges ? ’ he had surmised solemnly after a moment .
28 The dissidents reportedly included former Liberian soldiers who had fled abroad after a failed coup attempt in 1985 [ see p. 34147 ] , when pro-Doe Army units exacted retribution against civilian inhabitants in the Nimba area Following the initial clashes between rebels and troops , the January 1990 fighting assumed a tribal nature , with rebels attacking members of the Krahn ethnic group ( to which Doe belonged ) , while regular forces sent in from Monrovia ( the capital ) retaliated against the principal Nimba tribe , the Gio .
29 For many years Shardlow was ‘ an improving place ’ , but the Derbyshire directory for 1857 observes that business had declined greatly after the opening of the Midland and other railways .
30 Although Syria 's relations with the USA had improved rapidly after the Iraqi invasion , relations between the countries had already grown closer during 1989 and early 1990 [ see pp. 37391 ; 37392 ] .
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