Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 IBM will , of course , supply OS/2 with its machines , but its market share has fallen rapidly with the advent of low-cost clones , so the number of users out there may not be as high as might have been the case a few years ago .
2 Demand for the services offered by these units has varied considerably with a consequence that the length of time between first contact with the GP and first appointment has fluctuated between two weeks and three months .
3 I 'm aware that we are in very subjective territory here and I have already confessed where my own preferences lie , but I 'm not alone in my opinion that the 80R 's channel two falls short of the mark , because every one of us here has come away with the same opinion .
4 In football , rugby , or cricket the ability to stop the frame at the crucial moment or play-back a sequence , which has come recently with the development of video , has actually placed the viewer and the commentator in a better position to make a decision than the unfortunate referee or umpire .
5 Our production capacity has grown again with a weekly throughput now of over 800 tabloid pages . ’
6 It is also true that public complaining , impossible under the old regime , has grown enormously with the advent of a free press .
7 The Design Studio has expanded again with a new area custom built for their design computers .
8 BAR-BELLE AVIATION 'S fleet of four aircraft , Invader N7079G , C-45 N8389H , Harvard IV G-BRLV and Maule M.6–235C G-MOUL , has expanded further with the recent addition of Piper J3C-65 Cub G-BTUM , formerly based at Crowfield , reports Geoff Jones .
9 I know ZZAP ! has done away with the classified adverts , but I 'm writing to you , hoping you 'll print this : ‘ Wanted — ZZAP ! 64 issue numbers 55 and 68 .
10 In Holland the state has clubbed together with the generators to process this waste .
11 One of the reasons why Montgomerie has done so well as a professional is that he has stayed basically with the swing which brought him Walker Cup honours in his student days in Texas .
12 Her interest has been aroused by some new paintings which she has seen in a SoHo gallery , which a friend has compared unfavourably with the work of Lee Krasner .
13 This chapter has dealt chiefly with the non-consensual offences , and this is important , because it is the absence of consent which is the crucial factor in many cases of sexual assault .
14 They said it could never happen , but in an act many will regard as nothing short of vandalism , an outdoor centre has negotiated privately with the owners of Brock Holes quarry in the Peak to place up to 50 bolts to secure a rope handrail across the rock .
15 For the past sixteen years , he has lived and worked in New York and has battled daily with the American inability to understand the strange words and peculiar constructions which lace and buckle his Wexford brogue .
16 ‘ It has not gone unnoticed , ’ said Dr Boyson in 1978 , ‘ that crime has increased parallel with the number of social workers . ’
17 Growing European integration has gone hand-in-hand with the growth of regional and sub — national movement .
18 Despite the fact that the museums in the former USSR were unable to meet their share of the costs after August 1991 , the exhibition has gone ahead with the support of the Kunsthaus in Zurich , in particular its director Felix Baumann , and with most of the financial risk underwritten by George Ortiz himself .
19 WACC has worked closely with the NCCK 's communication department for several years , and will continue to support its new initiatives , particularly in the area of publications .
20 Midland has worked closely with the retailer to introduce point of sale terminals which can accept Switch cards .
21 IDEAL HOME has worked closely with the NHIC over the years to produce home-improvement guides and books , and we have no hesitation in recommending the council .
22 The programme has met with its biggest success in Indonesia , where the FAO has worked closely with the government .
23 As patron of the Macintyre organisation the Duchess of York has worked closely with the mentally disabled for some years , but even she was surprised ; delighted with what she saw on the opening night .
24 For much of time he been joined by his wife Joanne , who has worked tirelessly with the country 's zoo to help care for captive chimpanzees and a small collection of other African animals .
25 By Barry Turnbull A MERSEYSIDE engineering firm has folded today with the loss of 30 jobs .
26 This has happened recently with the peppered moth , a speckled species that is camouflaged on the lichen-covered tree-trunks where it normally lives .
27 Mr Deputy Speaker I 'm just about to come on the South Wales police but I will answer the point directly , er I and my honourable friend the parliamentary secretary are always willing to discuss with local government , matters relating to local government finance and we have done so over the months leading up to this settlement and my honourable and right honourable friends in the Home Office are always willing to discuss matters on the police er where they are important and warrant a ministerial meeting and that again has happened recently with the Home Office min minister discussing this very issue .
28 The new venture has started well with a range of articles covering the period 1660 to 1799 .
29 The Community has kept apace with the timetable set for adoption of the legislation by the end of 1992 .
30 CONTROVERSY surrounding hunting has flared again with the opening of a new season .
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