Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sutton Water Company has pointed out that it has imposed a sprinkler ban , not a hosepipe ban as stated in Tuesday 's paper .
2 Charles Wilson has pointed out that it was the increased incomes of the landed which began the consumer revolution in England .
3 Flavia thought , She 's lost face because it has come out that she is on Christian-name terms after all with Therese .
4 But now the ring leader Smyth Harper , 16 , has owned up that they invented the story for a laugh .
5 Chandler , on the other hand , used them and delighted in them , and because of this a tradition has grown up that they should appear in every private-eye tale .
6 Macpherson has argued convincingly that it was in the context of just such a society that the case For a representative democracy was initially accepted , first as a logical requirement to protect acquisitive , self-interested and conflicting individuals ( from rapacious governments and from one another ) and second to establish and nurture a free market economy ( MacPherson , 1977 ) .
7 He has said repeatedly that he will serve out his term , but the pressures on him to quit early are expected to grow after next Sunday 's vote .
8 The prime minister , Chandra Shekhar , has said repeatedly that he wants a political solution .
9 He has said bitterly that he was overlooked by the Nobel committee .
10 Mr Major has said privately that he does not believe it is necessary to follow the Taylor recommendations to the letter , but he will insist that the changes are made for First and Second Division clubs .
11 In a move reminiscent of what Microsoft is doing with NT and Unix System Labs with Destiny , IBM has said recently that it is dividing both AIX and OS/2 into client and server versions and wants them to share as much infrastructure as possible .
12 ‘ The Director-General has said recently that he does n't foresee any of the BBC orchestras being either privatised or abolished .
13 But Bingham has hinted recently that he 's pushing for a ‘ younger , more mobile midfield ’ — and that will certainly be needed against the run-all-day Republic quartet of Townsend , Keane , Houghton and Staunton .
14 In this case the contract is avoided as soon as the original owner has done all that he reasonably can .
15 The council has shown consistently that it is an accountable and efficient local authority that should be allowed to continue and develop its services , ’ added Mr Sanderson when he presented the council 's response to reorganisation .
16 So if that management committee decides in a year 's time or two year 's time thank you when when we 've been rolling on a bit and a lot of this has died down that they want a single headed project .
17 She said : Thérèse has found out that she and I are really sisters , not cousins .
18 The Prince 's racing manager , Grant Pritchard-Gordon , said : ‘ He has run three times on soft and each run has proved conclusively that he does n't like it . ’
19 Touch wood , that attitude has continued now that I 'm being more positive and less of a wimp .
20 Yeah , I think obviously , Norman has put down that he 's gon na produce quite a lot of cross-section , I think that 's a valid point I think we had assumed , perhaps incorrectly , that the ground was gon na be relatively level .
21 One large funding organisation has admitted privately that it does not dare to support such campaigns for fear of complaints from its own donors if the news leaked out .
22 First of all , Dr Clarke has stated repeatedly that he does not hate anyone of other faith or race .
23 Does he agree that a few weasel words in a newspaper do not constitute a policy of nuclear deterrence , particularly when the leader of that party has stated clearly that he would never use nuclear weapons , even if Britain were under nuclear attack ?
24 The association has stated clearly that it is up to British Rail — and , perhaps , the Government — to take such dangers into account if they wish to increase railway speeds , as many of us would like , and to ensure that people can cross the line safely , even if that means the Government providing the money either for an underpass of for a bridge over the line .
25 ‘ He has avowed only that I can .
26 I 'd heard somewhere that you ca n't stop it after the end of the third month .
27 She 'd heard since that he 'd left the health service and gone abroad to work … and now not only was he back , but she was expected to work with him .
28 She 'd pointed out that it was stupid to talk about Tupperware parties as a means of raising funds since funds raised at Tupperware parties naturally went to the manufacturers of Tupperware .
29 Morse thought it must be the splendid grandfather clock he 'd seen somewhere that he heard chiming the three-quarters ( 10.45 a.m. ) as he and Lewis sat beside each other in a deep settee in the Lancaster Room .
30 like before the break when you want to have a permanent record of what you 'd done so that you ca n't turn round and say well I do n't remember them conversation
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