Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [pron] she [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 She went on to say that although she 'd done what she could from her Oxford home , and encouraged her friends to do the same , eventually she just had to pack and go to Orkney .
2 Lachy had been back one time afterwards that she knew of , a year later , and he had called , but she 'd told him she would n't be able to see him , and put the phone down on him .
3 She 'd told him she 'd have to go back to work and he had laughingly agreed , making some quip about being escort to a star and hitting the gossip columns .
4 She had n't conceded anything , even though she 'd wanted to , and she 'd shown him she could be just as determined as he was himself .
5 Why she 'd married him she could n't imagine .
6 One of the girls in the company , ever such a nice little thing she was , she thought she 'd got into trouble ; well , I could 've told her she would , the way she was going on — actors — you would n't believe !
7 If he did as you say , he would have calculated what she would do : when he did n't go in to her and hold her hand she would go and tap on his door , because he never entered the house without visiting her , wherever she was .
8 ‘ I 'm here to see Her Grace , ’ explained Joan , having rehearsed what she would say during the two-mile walk from Briar Cottage .
9 She had done what she could .
10 The council tried to take Mr Rowse to court for fraud and deception , and asked Rhoda to be the star witness for the prosecution but she refused , and had a startling remission , as Mr Rowse had promised her she would if she were only loyal .
11 And now she did what she had promised herself she would do , and lifted her foot and aimed it at the nun 's shin .
12 Tess had promised herself she would never marry and would never be tempted to do so .
13 With bitter pain she replied as she had promised herself she would .
14 At one point Marjory had persuaded herself she would not get into Oxford and was resigned to her second choice , Royal Holloway and Bedford , which has a big history department .
15 She had told him she would try to come , and her non-appearance added to the depression caused by the theme .
16 ( Vicky had told me she would not be averse to some of the loving attentions she was receiving . )
17 With its large , carved buttons running diagonally from shoulder to hip , it was one of her favourites and so becoming , Félix had told her she might keep it .
18 He had told her she would have to be an outlaw because of her heritage .
19 Camillo had told her she would run away , and come back .
20 Everyone had told her she could n't be in a better place , but they kept saying she must be patient a little while longer — and she did n't know how much longer she could bear it .
21 If somebody had told her she 'd find herself in this same dubious position all over again , even one hour ago , she would have laughed right in their face .
22 She had been content to stay in the house all day and to try to clean it ; but Mrs Aggie had told her she must go to school , at least for part of the day .
23 ‘ I 'm sure he would , the good man , Lord rest him , ’ said Julia and Mrs Redmond went on , ‘ I came home one night and Sarah told me my mother had told her she should start going out and enjoying herself , and I was relieved .
24 As she had told herself she must not , she saw the Scarabae reaching out , their agents in the surgery , the doctor listening , nodding .
25 ‘ I 've told her she must spend less time in the prop room . ’ .
26 ‘ I 've told you she can deal with my solicitor ! ’
27 She had rehearsed what she would say . )
28 Well , she had shown him she could n't be swayed by his good looks or his fancy words ; not any more .
29 Just as the man , the Scarabae agent , had known what she would do eventually .
30 She had brought everything she would need , including a little food as Marguerite was not expecting her .
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