Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many inquiries the ’ 199 ? ’ hotline has received from small businesses in Essex .
2 Despite its importance and grade II* listing , the treatment it has received in recent years has been disgraceful , and it is to be hoped a great many lessons will have been learnt about how to deal with irresponsible owners of such important listed buildings .
3 It would seem that the restoration profession has not been able to keep its nerve in the face of the rapidly growing attention it has received in recent years , and is reacting in an undisciplined way .
4 ‘ The number of people becoming unemployed has eased over recent months and more people are leaving unemployment and getting back to work , ’ she said .
5 To this day , public fascination with the disaster remains so strong that a flourishinhg market has developed for Titanic memorabilia .
6 The story enshrined the belief that has developed in recent years that people who place bolts are villains who have no place on British soil .
7 Its reputation as the most beautiful bay on the west coast of Scotland has developed in recent years , not fostered by press and media publicity but by the enthusiastic recommendations of those who have been there .
8 Before we have had the opportunity to vote on that policy , the autumn statement has informed us that the Government will not promote training or fill the training gap that has developed in recent years .
9 In this programme we are going to look at the way in which British music has developed in recent years and its relationship to that produced by Continental Europe .
10 In many far off lands the Commission 's gardeners have no knowledge of the English language , while their supervisors are not fluent in the native tongue ; the result has been , so the Commission reports , that a form of hybrid speech has developed in certain countries that would be incomprehensible to other natives of the country and to ordinary English-speakers , but which is ‘ very eloquent ’ on matters relating to cemetery maintenance !
11 Even its poetry has developed from scholarly imitations .
12 Labour has broken off parliamentary relations with the government , the move which will end the system of pairing for Commons ' votes , is in protest of plans to rush controversial legislation through the Commons .
13 The Editor has commented in previous editions of ‘ NG ’ that graduates of the former University College , Nottingham ( the University before it received its charter in 1948 ) and people who hold external Nottingham degrees are regarded as members of Convocation just as are those who have obtained their degrees after study on the Nottingham campus .
14 CCG HAS soared to new heights by securing the catering contract for the tallest building in the City of London , the National Westminster Tower .
15 Budhoo asserts that the IMF and World Bank are key elements in an economic order that is deepening Third World poverty , the debt crisis , and a flight of capital from developing to developed countries which has soared in recent decades : in 1986 it amounted to well over $30 billion from the Caribbean and Latin America alone .
16 The principles and practice of plan making , and the various ways in which government , both local and central , has intervened in environmental affairs , have always been dependent on the context of the time : political , institutional , social , economic and technological .
17 In response to the prevailing economic conditions it has withdrawn from peripheral businesses and has focused on the core activities represented by its silver products .
18 Everyone has heard of stressed executives who suffer peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis .
19 A GRIEVING family 's plea to have a symbolic teddy bear carved on their seven-week-old daughter 's grave has fallen on deaf ears .
20 As more and more is understood of the way in which interactions between the child and the environment create privileged opportunities for language learning , so it may be possible to reduce the burden of explanation which has fallen on innate factors .
21 It has fallen to salaried professionals in universities , public record offices , the Business Archives Council , corporate bodies themselves — and the ‘ vanity press ’ — to salvage and conserve the tons of old papers explaining the historical context of what tumbled off the production line .
22 Olazabal 's compatriot Sevvy Ballesteros , who has fallen upon hard times after 68 tournament victories worldwide , said : ‘ The US Open is not my type of golf course , but I try to do my best and see what happens . ’
23 As he knows , it has fallen from high levels .
24 About £1 million has been raised for charity by the display and reproduction of the watercolours which the Prince of Wales has painted in recent years but the exhibition which opens to the public today is his first one-man show in Scotland .
25 Dust has gathered in inaccessible places , walls have faded and paintwork has subtly changed colour .
26 He has pulled down princes from their thrones and exalted the lowly The hungry he has filled with good things , the rich sent empty away .
27 Zuckerman has enabled Roth to deal with the question of the offence he has given to righteous Jews , and to come to terms with the rebellious , psychedelic , philo-Semitic Sixties , when Roth 's writing went , with the times , derisive and fantastic .
28 From the number of lengthy interviews she has given in recent weeks , it seems pretty obvious that the opposition has been playing the Prime Minister 's game — she clearly intended to hold an election next month .
29 In just one year the list of people at risk from AIDS has lengthened from male homosexuals , drug-abusers and Haitians , to include the entire population .
30 Initially supported in its early stages by a grant from the J. Paul Getty Trust ( the first Getty grant to be awarded to an art journal ) , Print Quarterly has relied on generous benefactors and advertising revenue since that date .
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