Example sentences of "have [been] up [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But no matter , and who am I to complain , certainly not to Jan , the lady of the maggots , who has been up since four and already whisked through acres of office carpet , scads of bins and oceans of scummy cups .
2 It has been up to nine or ten pound for
3 The building was not built in ninety one , whether there 's any relevance or not , where they 're trying to prove that the building has been up for some time , they 'd say , it 's not , that building was put up this year .
4 Yeah cos if it was as bad as he said it was , I mean he would only stand up for one or two hours at a time , whereas he 'd been up since nine , he was still sitting up at one o'clock when I arrived there
5 He 'd been up since six trying to fix his motorbike .
6 According to work done in the 1970s and 1980s , there could have been up to 32 in the rocks of Burgess shale alone , including many never seen anywhere else .
7 That 's you know it was all purely hypothetical the figures they produced but er they were comparing it to what we had pr previously been producing we all sort of realized that for a set production figure we could have been up to forty pound worse off , per week .
8 But the little tousle-headed , dirty , tanned , bold toddler that was me might well have been up to some sort of mischief involving the beast .
9 Normally , she would have been up for several hours and written a couple of thousand words .
10 Carrie suddenly said , ‘ Your mum and I were worried about you , Seb , but all my dad could keep saying was , ‘ It 's a good job I managed to reach you when I did , or you 'd have been up at that farmhouse for another week . ’ ’
11 Having been up since six and groomed Bones until the sweat ran ( his , not Bones 's ) he felt as if the day were three-quarters through .
12 He had been up since five to meet the boat from which he was being exploited .
13 She had been up since six , but respect for the Shills ' privacy had made her refrain from enquiring until 9.30 .
14 They continued their research , but their reports were no longer published ( as they had been up to 1948 ) ; and , at a time when cost research was more clearly needed than ever before , Schiller 's team was starved of funds and talent .
15 In the evenings , after Granpa had come home for supper and the old man had gone off to the pub , I soon became bored just sitting around listening to what my sisters had been up to all day ; so I joined the Whitechapel Boys ' Club .
16 Barratt had been up to Tilberthwaite to see for himself the likely value of Knott 's sett on the Muncaster estate land there and he considered it to be a worthwhile proposition having seen , as he put it , " good bunches of ore under water " .
17 She had been up for five hours .
18 So we 've been up for some time cos the arms are wet where he 'd been sucking it !
19 ‘ D' you mind tellin' me what you 've been up to all day ? ’ demanded Dolly .
20 I 've been up since six . ’
21 No , he 'll be out went out at ten to seven but over a sort of I 've been up since seven , I 've not really sat down all day .
22 I 've been up since half past seven .
23 ‘ Some of us have been up since six-thirty and I like to read .
24 When you have been up for half an hour on a normal working day , how do you feel ?
25 Official signs for a cycle path connecting Baird Road , Ratho Station , to the minor road from Ratho to Newbridge have been up for some time .
26 ‘ There are many instances where UK investment and product costs have been up to twenty per cent below other European countries , but the investment has still been located on the continent because of unfair political pressures and highly discriminatory practices , ’ he added to gasps of pained surprise .
27 Even though he 's been up since six at his job in the City and is absolutely starving , the Hooray must wait until 10.30pm and then ‘ gair-airt-dinner ’ or ‘ gair-fair-n-Indi ’ .
28 She 's been up since six and he is up
29 ‘ I daresay she 's been up since three , being horsey . ’ )
30 Jackie said he 's been up for seven o'clock .
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