Example sentences of "have [been] to [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Beryl Davies has been to several meetings of the Shropshire A. S. M. group .
2 Max has been to numerous rehearsals with his celebrity owner and once appeared on breakfast TV .
3 Ask anyone who has been to previous festivals and they will tell you not to miss it .
4 ‘ They 'd been to other schools and the standard is high ?
5 I 'd been to thirteen convents but I had n't really been to school properly because I was working by the time I was thirteen .
6 She 'd been to three lectures .
7 Welcome as the Cabinet 's new policy must have been to some Ministers in the Lords , such as Lord Pakenham , then Minister of Civil Aviation and an abolitionist to his fingertips , voting for suspension can not have been an agreeable experience for the unyieldingly retentionist Lord Chancellor , Jowitt .
8 Often there was scant evidence of academic activity , and this prompted criticism from some of those users who had been to mainstream schools .
9 Before Abbotsfield , he had been to all intents and purposes an honorary member of the Molland family .
10 In the view of private and public critics of the Wilberforce sons there was more than filiopietism at issue in their charge that Clarkson claimed leadership in the cause when their father was entitled to it ; they suggested Clarkson had been to all intents and purposes a paid agent of the Abolition Committee .
11 Britain 's initial position of support for Cramra had been to all intents and purposes relinquished by the end of the meeting .
12 A few had been to other universities , to Sandhurst , Dartmouth or an agricultural college , making 190 in all who had had some form of higher education .
13 Economically , of course , it had never ceased and had been to both countries ' benefit .
14 Of the fathers of the boarders in these schools , 92 per cent were in the Registrar-General 's Class I or II , and 52 per cent had been to Public Schools themselves .
15 In education the party conformed more to what would be expected : 196 MPs had been to public schools ( 68 per cent of the party , twice the proportion of Liberals ) and eighty-six of these had been at Eton , almost a third of the party .
16 The difficulty of interpreting such information is highlighted though by the fact that this educated elite , two-thirds of whom had been to public schools and universities , chose as their leader a man who had been to neither .
17 From a random group of 36 judges of the Court of Appeal and the High Court , he found that 31 had been to public schools ( 86 per cent ) and 33 to Oxford or Cambridge ( 92 per cent ) .
18 I 've been to eight countries in the last two weeks .
19 Remember we keep talking about tourism as being fashionable , it 's fashionable to say you 've been to certain destinations .
20 ‘ I 've been to fifteen funerals of my friends this year .
21 I bet I 've been to more schools than Australia , I 've been to four schools in Australia
22 Yeah bear i I mean both of us sitting here , we 've been to social functions on this areas
23 So ghastly , that arrogance , that insensitivity of boys who 've been to public schools .
24 I bet I 've been to more schools than Australia , I 've been to four schools in Australia
25 Saying you 've been to those destinations in the U K does n't actually hold the same appeal or esteem .
26 Now we 've been to these meetings , and there 's a lot of airy-fairy words about yes we support parishes .
27 If those who have been to Arab feasts ever wonder what happens to all that food and ‘ tut-tut ’ over the waste , forget it .
28 ‘ We have been to other schools .
29 Furthermore , people vary in their tolerance from day to day , and it is not safe to assume that because you have been to 15,000 feet or so without oxygen before , you will be able to do it again .
30 I have been to both places and can assure you , there is a great difference .
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