Example sentences of "have [been] under [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 Since its ‘ theft ’ my living room has been under siege from Mark ‘ The Scoop ’ Crowe , the Argus sports hack .
2 Here , he defends the workings of Westminster 's controversial lobby system which has been under attack from several newspapers , including The Independent and The Guardian .
3 Spain in particular , with its relatively large , shambling army ( a relic from the Franco era ) cut off behind the Pyrenees , has been under pressure from NATO to put more money into its air force and navy .
4 Leeds seems to have been under instructions from their manager Wilko to get the ball up the field as quickly as possible , contrary to the previous two games where the more cultured route paid no dividends .
5 The green staff worked miracles to get the course fit for play after it had been under water from Thursday night 's storms .
6 He had been under attack from right-wing politicians for some time , in particular for signing an appeal by a wide range of opposition forces calling for greater democracy in Hungary .
7 He had been under pressure from Edward III to do so for some time , but he seems also to have feared that Charles V 's forces , which were advancing into the duchy , might revive the rivalries of the civil war period .
8 The three ministers belonging to the CDU ( which had been under pressure from its West German counterpart to dissociate itself from the regime ) also withdrew from the coalition on Jan. 25 " to make way for negotiations " but would continue in a caretaker capacity .
9 Commentators suggested that the Khmers Rouges had been under pressure from their Chinese backers to accept the Sihanouk plan .
10 President , Congress , since nineteen seventy nine local authorities and public services have been under attack from the Tory government .
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