Example sentences of "have [been] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The tendency in the historical literature has been to dismiss the number of homeworkers during the 1900s as insignificant , but the numbers of women employed in casual tasks are extremely difficult to estimate .
2 The role of CCG 's Safety and Training Department has been to analyse the information available : clarify the requirements and keep management , staff and clients up to date on developments .
3 These cases seem to indicate that the effect of RSC Ord. 53 , r. 3(7) has been to liberalize the law of standing .
4 The main idea here has been to exploit the existence of particles known as ‘ muons ’ which in some ways behave like electrons , but are some 207 times heavier and are unstable .
5 Arguedas , however , was faced with the thorny problem of translating into the alien medium of Spanish the sensibility of a people which expresses itself in Quechua , and his great achievement has been to evolve a style which captures the rhythm and flavour of Quechua to convey the spiritual world of the Andean Indians .
6 The current Government 's approach to local government finance — most notably through the poll tax fiasco — has been to destroy the independence of local authorities by reducing their powers to raise and spend revenue .
7 Nevertheless , although it is easy to see why the thrust of the arguments has throughout been to concentrate on the charging of the suspect and ( in the light of Ex parte Saunders ) on the association of a renewed caution with any exercise of the Director 's powers where the person under interrogation has already been charged , I believe that the result has been to set the inquiry off in the wrong direction .
8 The paradoxical effect of this has been to put the researcher , including the one who claims to be working within applied linguistics , at a remove from the only contexts of application which can provide substantiating evidence for the relevance of the research .
9 Part of my job as your representative has been to put the views and ideas offered by you , the teacher , to the organising committees of the Society .
10 In this introductory discussion , my concern has been to stress the need for empathy and the difficulties in achieving it in relation to old people .
11 The effect has been to deny the right of employers to a proper say in the educational process because their interest has been confined to recruitment after the event rather than as participants in provision .
12 The solution therefore has been to agree a change of use for the Wilkins building — to a hotel — with an office development behind .
13 The bereaved have always wished to ‘ remember ’ their dead , in the literal sense of reconstituting form and feature ; an integral part of this process has been to visualise the place of death and burial and , if possible , to visit it .
14 The aim , then , has been to see the problem afresh , and a first reformulation of it was offered in Chapter iii .
15 Princess Anne has been to see the inmates at work … behind bars .
16 They tend to be the larger companies , I have to be fair , er , but er , one of the encouraging things from my point of view , and I , we started rather early , maybe fifteen , twenty years ago has been to see the growth of this particular sector , where people have moved progressively into , I think a much more enlightened posture in the last ten or fifteen years , and B I C , Business in the Community of course , have to take , I think much credit for that .
17 The whole tenor of planning policy has been to restrict the presence of industry in the countryside and to preserve it as a largely pastoral backwater .
18 Ever since 1986 , when the Wyoming Game and Fish Department took the last black-footed ferret from the wild and placed it in a captive-breeding programme , the intention has been to reintroduce the species to the prairies of Wyoming as soon as enough individuals had been bred .
19 The most important effect of this degree of government control has been to render the House of Commons incapable of adapting its procedure to keep pace with altered administrative practices .
20 The Government 's approach has been to tackle the misuse of knives by tightening the law on possession of knives in public .
21 Our main concern has been to promote the concept of self-evaluation as a tool for management and improvement of services .
22 ‘ The effect has been to reinforce the concentration of unemployment in traditional inner city areas ’ , the Centre for Local Economic Strategies ( CLES ) reported in Local Work ( 1988 ) , ‘ and in the regions which were already suffering the worst unemployment before 1979 . ’
23 His most effective action so far has been to deflect the corruption allegations by recruiting Spain 's ‘ Mr Clean ’ to stand alongside him as a Socialist candidate .
24 A further approach to explaining the development of significant continental-margin upwarps as a consequence of passive rifting has been to invoke a process known as secondary convection .
25 That way , at least , he might have discouraged the impression that the Government 's abiding concern in this sorrowful matter has been to defend the actions of the state at their most indefensible .
26 SAVE 's MOST CELEBRATED and prolonged battle has been to stop the demolition of the important triangle of Victorian buildings in the heart of the City of London that includes Mappin and Webb , Mansion House and the Bank of England .
27 One answer to such a detailed approach has been to revitalize the notion of large-scale geomorphology for example ( Gardner and Scoging , 1983 ) but another has been to concentrate upon human activity as providing a focus centred around the central system ( p. 156 ) .
28 The first and most general cost has been to give the impression that Official Unionists would not be welcome in the Free Church .
29 When Molly Gibson in Wives and Daughters ( 1866 ) has been to visit the Towers , her father declares that he had expected to find her so ‘ polite and ceremonious ’ that he read a few chapters of Sir Charles Grandison in order to bring himself up to concert pitch .
30 Between the wars the aim of housing legislation was simply to stimulate the construction of as many houses as possible in rural areas ; since 1945 the aim has been to control the number of houses in rural areas as part of overall planning policies designed to contain the growth of urban sprawl , prevent the loss of good agricultural land and protect the visual quality of the countryside .
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