Example sentences of "have [been] [v-ing] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Since last summer , Controll has been acting as a dealer for Hewlett-Packard Co , Compaq Computer Corp and Philips Electronics NV .
2 This morning for instance the Scottish executive of the people 's party will have an opportunity to examine the fruits of some of the labours of the Scottish Trades Union Congress , which has been functioning as the honest broker following the swiftly evaporating euphoria of the 25,000 souls who turned up on 12 December .
3 on the other hand , while the CA has been operating as a separate agency for two years , 24 per cent of the NIC specialists who completed the survey were unaware of its existence .
4 The deficit has been reducing as a percentage of GDP .
5 The percentage of whisky sold has been decreasing as the sale of vodkas and light rums has been rising .
6 She has been working as a nurse practitioner on a general surgical firm at the Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust since August .
7 Lately she has been working as a $10-an-hour dresser at local fashion shows and answering phones at an aerobics studio .
8 Since his dismissal , Totten has been working as a radio journalist but yesterday admitted that only active participation in the game brought him genuine satisfaction .
9 Meanwhile Fernanda Eberstadt has been practising as an expert on captivity and escape , and on the beliefs established for later generations by the children of Israel .
10 One reason why farm workers ' wages remain so comparatively low is that the demand for labour within agriculture has been declining as a result of mechanization-Indeed , the prospect of more expensive labour has often been sufficient to stimulate farmers to engage in a further round of mechanization so that both the supply and the demand for labour have chased each other down in an ever-decreasing spiral .
11 Dr Hadley , who had asked the questions , ceased to play with the two-toned ball pen he had been using as a remote muscle of his tongue .
12 If I shifted my weight on to the shoulder these mugs had been using as a football , the pain took away my thoughts from the throbbing ache in my head .
13 The jangling of his friend 's bells and chains , which he had been using as an aid for navigation , had ceased abruptly .
14 Soon after that , I was fortunate enough to obtain a research studentship at U.C.L. which paid me a small salary of 750 per annum — this was slightly less than what I had been earning as a teacher , but it enabled me to return full-time to research at U.C.L. The money for the studentship had been provided by a television network , ATN .
15 Half of the salary disappeared in mess fees and for the headquarter 's servants , but Sharpe still felt rich , and it was a far better reward than the two shillings and ninepence a day that he had been receiving as a half-pay lieutenant .
16 The Dean crowd and their successors had been smoking as a regular habit ten years earlier but only now , at the height of the Vietnam crisis , when the futility of the war was beginning to dawn with the return of disillusioned young soldiers prepared at last to tell the truth , were drugs beginning to appear on the American campus scene and in London streets in any volume .
17 He had discussed this with a certain Colonel Hazelden who had been operating as an agent in the Tobruk area .
18 Looks as if the message that an army of outsiders is needed to turn IBM Corp 's disparate businesses around is beginning to get through : yesterday the Personal Software Products division announced that it had recalled William Rich to be general manager , worldwide sales and marketing — he had left the company but had been acting as a consultant to it ; it has also tapped David Proctor as vice-president of products — Proctor is formerly president of Xerox Computer Services and had been president and chief executive of Ashton-Tate Corp ; before he took that position , he had served 23 years with IBM .
19 The Tharos , which had been acting as a support vessel to the Piper Alpha platform was anchored close by .
20 Mark Francis , who had been acting as the museum 's director , retains responsibility for the administration of the collection which comprises some 1,000 original paintings and drawings , including an important group of early works being given by the DIA Center for the Arts , one hundred sculptures , a complete collection of prints of Warhol 's films , and an extensive archive of source material , audio and video tapes , correspondence and other papers .
21 Mr. Goodenday , for the bank , on the other hand , submitted that , on authority , the bank would only be affected by Mr. O'Brien 's improprieties if Mr. O'Brien had been acting as the bank 's agent when committing them .
22 Third party security taken by creditors would be impeachable on account of misrepresentation or undue influence by the debtor only if the creditor had knowledge of the relevant facts or if the debtor had been acting as the agent of the creditor .
23 Some anomalies which had been arising as a result of the previous piecemeal evolution of means-tested benefit were eliminated .
24 He was more elated than when he had been shooting as an international for Great Britain : ‘ It 's like trying to get eight draws on the football pools — anybody can win .
25 The eldest daughter , Elizabeth McGuire , had been working as a farm servant ( See Chapter 6 ) .
26 Val had four children aged between seventeen and six , and had been working as a childminder at home to supplement the family income .
27 Edith Thomas was married at seventeen : she had been working as a barmaid at the Miner 's Arms and she was married from there .
28 Meanwhile , Liddell had been working as a field missionary in war-torn Siaochang .
29 I had been working as a dai ( midwife ) for the Government since 1974 , but I resigned when they stopped paying my salary and only paid me if I brought in patients to be sterilized .
30 Mr Telford , who took redundancy from the pit in 1988 and had been working as a mining contractor at Rossington , near Doncaster , allegedly threatened a man with the gun to gain entry .
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