Example sentences of "have [been] [adj] for year " in BNC.

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1 This neglect of walking has been apparent for years .
2 The dispute , which has been simmering for years , came to the boil in April when Michael Harcourt , the province 's premier , revealed a scheme that would protect 33% of the region , permit limited logging in 17% , and open the rest to extensive ( although , at least in theory , well-managed ) timber harvesting .
3 It has been true for years of much of manufacturing ( completely differentiating the position of , for instance , Peugeot-Renault in France from British Leyland , or Bull from ICL ) .
4 By the end of the novel Jaromil has forsworn his artist friend , who is under the ban of the regime and compelled to paint by candlelight : ‘ The whole world of his pictures has been dead for years .
5 No recording of Jenkins 's music had been available for years before the Thorofon CD , and now this Astrée issue comes onto the market , as if to underline how huge a gap in the recorded repertoire that was .
6 He spoke as if they had been married for years , and could joke about sharing a bed .
7 The old lady had been deaf for years and had what she called a ‘ thing-gummyjig ’ on her telephone receiver which was intended to help her hear her callers more clearly .
8 He built his shed which , made as it was of old floorboards from a couple of hovels that had been empty for years , resembled a shack .
9 The one I found was run down , anyway , and had been empty for years . ’
10 The house on our western side had been empty for years .
11 The preacher was describing with enthusiasm how he had been wicked for years and how a certain parson had pointed it out to him : this had gradually turned him from wickedness .
12 After the war opinion was more fluid and open on political grounds the tariff issue had been dead for years and I felt it was one which would pull the party together , including the Lloyd George malcontents .
13 Their mother had been dead for years , and their father had died only three weeks before .
14 Damned if he was going to call her Empress when her first husband , the Holy Roman Emperor , had been dead for years .
15 People within the health and social services had been aware for years of the patients ' accusations , but nothing was done .
16 He had been old for years and grown so fat in the stomach that he puffed when he stooped .
17 He heard himself , it sounded like a door opening somewhere inside him , it was an old door , it had been stuck for years , you had to heave on it , you needed all your strength , and then it gave a few inches , and cried out as it gave .
18 ‘ We 've been worried for years about their tendency to see Britain as a soft market in which to make a killing . ’
19 As I 've been stuck for years now
20 She says some have been empty for years and she wants to live in one .
21 Increasingly such flats have come to be part of a system of ‘ less eligibility ’ for those households whose actual behaviour is judged not to conform to the domestic ideal : women single parents dependent on state benefits , families with housewives who are defined as ‘ poor ’ housekeepers by other women employed by the local authority to make such judgements ( Ungerson , 1971 ) , families headed by men who have been unemployed for years , and single women ( Austerberry and Watson , 1983 ) .
22 We encounter people who have been dead for years , or improbably have conversations with film stars or royalty .
23 It 's been clear for years ( ever since the Hayward exhibitions The Other Story : AfroAsian Artists in Postwar Britain and Art in Latin America met with such dismally insular reponses from most of the critics ) that massive justification is needed for any exhibition that seems ‘ foreign ’ .
24 But — yes , the poor old thing is rather queer — in fact , she 's been mad for years , so you see now why I needed no special qualifications .
25 ‘ I told you , he 's been dead for years , ’ the guard snaps .
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