Example sentences of "have [been] [prep] such [art] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who has been to such a gathering knows that the fun-loving atmosphere of these occasions is not ideal to hammer home messages about personal safety .
2 ‘ I brought in the Readers ' Digests , ’ she muttered , unable to apply the brakes when she 'd been on such a powerful roll .
3 It was the first time she 'd been in such a grand vehicle , and when she looked over the side she seemed so high up she was dizzy .
4 How else would he have been with such a father ?
5 This is not , as it might have been with such a tale , the cuckolded merchant , but rather Margery , the stupid wife , who is particularly funny because she is so unthinkingly conventionally good and who effaces any real self she may be imagined to have within a cluster of clichés .
6 How many people could have been under such a constant strain , for so long ?
7 Do you think if he 'd been sent into hospital earlier he would n't have been in such a
8 The conduct had also to be intended to provoke a breach of the peace or to have been of such a nature as to have been likely to have occasioned such a breach .
9 " Employment on the railways as in other sections of the transport industry can not be said to have been of such a character as to fit in with the theory of labour aristocracy . "
10 I was spellbound : I had never known anybody who had been to such a faraway country .
11 The tension between them , the sexual feeling , had been at such a pitch .
12 Since Christmas day her feelings for him had been in such a chaotic state she did n't know whether she loved or hated him .
13 A few of the teenage mothers in this book had been in such a home .
14 But he had been in such a degree of desperation because of his financial position .
15 I have been through such a storm before , and it is the gusting that is most dangerous . ’
16 Even more exhilarating was the fact that already his ambitions as a choreographer were making progress : ‘ I have been in such a state lately !
17 ‘ No , but it is not the first time I have been in such a situation .
18 hold a position of responsibility within the industry and have been in such a post for at least two years
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