Example sentences of "have [been] [adj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 For this reason , and others , Mr Goldin has been keen to talk to the Russians about co-operation .
2 For he explains that the function of the party system has been to blur the conflict of class since each party has been obliged to appeal to ‘ the common good ’ in pursuit of long-term majority support .
3 Asil Nadir has been reluctant to return to Britain , partly because he says , media coverage of his case makes a fair trial unlikely .
4 The secretary-general of the former ruling party , the National Liberation Front ( FLN ) , Abdelhamid Mehri , said that the banning did not solve the two major problems facing Algeria , namely widespread demands for change " which the FIS has been able to channel to its advantage " , and the existence of a " well-rooted Islamic movement which must be taken into account in one way or another " .
5 No one has been able to point to any useful purpose that it serves at the present day .
6 As the £38 million Redbridge District Hospital in Essex welcomes its first patients , WCUK can reflect on the first-class treatment it has been able to give to this important health care project .
7 Mr Cliburn , who was born in Shreveport , Louisiana , into a family that made its pile from oil , has been able to retire to a vast mansion .
8 We are delighted that the BBC Big Band has been able to come to the Festival as part of BBC 's ‘ Radio Goes To Town ’ — they will return briefly for a lunchtime programme with David Jacobs in the Ulster Hall on Wednesday !
9 ‘ He has been able to speak to us .
10 There have been so few reading problems in the whole hundred-and-odd pages that the story has been free to come to life , you can see it all , enjoy it all : ‘ Dear Miss Blyton , I think your stories are really exciting ! ’
11 He demonstrated throwing and decoration of Jasper ware and said : ‘ It has been wonderful to return to Japan . ’
12 There have been few attempts to portray mental handicap in the theatre , and despite its progressive nature , the theatre has been slow to respond to the challenge on offer .
13 Gough has been slow to respond to a groin injury which has plagued him since September and has been sidelined since the win over Celtic on November 7 .
14 Church growth thinking has been slow to come to terms with the problem of nominality within existing churches , and has consequently given the impression that mission is simply making more and more people to become like ourselves .
15 It should be noted here that the recognition output such as ‘ \ ’ and ‘ - ’ are strokes of the pen which the recogniser has been unable to join to any other stroke to give a possible letter .
16 Mrs Adams has been unable to speak to anyone since the tragedy .
17 ‘ I 've got a special licence in my pocket ; if I 'd been obliged to go to Paris you 'd have come with me as my wife . ’
18 On Starr Hills , she 'd been able to talk to him ; but she did n't think she could now .
19 Secondly , though the net price obtained by the owner of land should have been the same irrespective of whether the body to whom he sold it was private or public , some owners might have been unwilling to sell to the commission .
20 Reverting again to the 11+ , it would have been possible to respond to the results of the tests by saying , ‘ boys are less able at age 11 — they are failing to make proper use of their primary school education ’ or , as in fact happened , by removing the responsibility from individual boys and situating it elsewhere , in this instance in biology .
21 By now the fog had lifted , but it was so dark that it would have been futile to return to the scene of the mysterious train to discover for themselves any clues as to its reality or otherwise .
22 Folk that maybe would have been shy to go to a
23 King John may have been willing to agree to anything , even the dismemberment of his kingdom , in order to ensure that he did not die in prison ; but , as Professor Fowler remarked , the treaty was ‘ so preposterous that it is difficult to believe that it was ever intended seriously ’ .
24 Had he done that — and this is advice every sensible lawyer would have given to him — he might have been able to return to public life without the long and painful period of atonement to which he was exposed .
25 It would not , they say , have abolished competition : his ‘ Grand Lodges ’ , each directing its own industry , would in effect have been the head offices of huge joint stock companies owning the entire means of production and subject to no control by the community ; and they would have been able to revert to the capitalist form of enterprise , admitting fresh generations of workers only as employees and not as shareholders ‘ thus creating at one stroke a new capitalist class and a new proletariat ’ .
26 Whether he would have been able to stick to it if he had ever risen to be national leader of the Liberal Party is not certain .
27 We readily agreed that the conversion had been carried out with more imagination than we would have been able to bring to it , but could we afford it ?
28 She knew only the cream would have been able to get to Teacher Training College in the first place , and so many shared her desire and enthusiasm for education .
29 You see I am , you can see what I 'm suggesting to you , there 's not much point in an armed officer guarding an eleven year old child it would have been obvious to go to the master bedroom , but you deny it .
30 ‘ If I 'd done it then , perhaps I would n't have been fit to go to the Olympics and worlds , and I 'd hate to be sitting here now thinking I could have won .
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