Example sentences of "have [not/n't] be so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the government has not been so preoccupied with accountability procedures as appeared to be the case in the early 1980s .
2 Numbers of young women have told me that they look upon life in quite a different light now that they learn that nature has not been so cruel to them , as to give them but the choice of a married life , in which probably all the highest aims of life must be sacrificed , and the wife reduced to the level of a breeding animal , or a life of celibacy .
3 Care has not been so tender for the eiderdown duck , which has perished in large numbers due to oil slicks in its Iceland habitat , as European demand for its fluffy down , mainly used in bedding , increases .
4 The relationship of women within the family and to waged work throughout the twentieth century has not been so clear cut .
5 Air from outside the hole , which has not been so depleted of ozone , then enters the region and the mixing of the air masses dissipates the hole ( Rowland , 1988 ) .
6 Unfortunately some of the rhetoric of this recent announcement has not been so enlightened , but has been couched in hard , aggressive language .
7 This early retirement pattern has not been so evident for women .
8 ‘ But if I am to achieve such merit as wins fame , then my life has not been so unworthy an exchange for hers as I always feared ! ’
9 Wonford House Hospital continued to be used for acute and rehabilitation services and though a mental health centre at Tiverton has been developed the schism between the old and the new has not been so marked .
10 We 're a bit understocked anyway — business has n't been so good since the trouble started . ’
11 Well the atmosphere is very bad indeed in Belfast because er we had this before of course twenty years ago we had various bad situations but it has n't been so bad in recent years , but this last fortnight , er we 've had U V F killings , then we had this terrible bomb by the I R A killing the protestants in the Shankhill Road .
12 The Zeppelin attack left ten people dead in the city , and scores wounded : if the Germans ' bomb-aiming had not been so lousy , the toll could have included many of the sleeping deaf children in Donaldson 's .
13 ‘ If the Countess of Anjou had not been so anxious to correct any false impressions we may have had about your arrival the negotiations might have dragged on indefinitely .
14 Sara wished she had not been so petty when Fairfax had called , and had let him go on thinking it was Matthew 's old family house .
15 Since Christmas they had not been so friendly .
16 If Yuri Rudakov , undressing in the front bedroom of their bungalow , had not been so tired , he would have taken the time to admire the new nightdress that his wife wore as she sat against the pillows and turned the pages of a picture magazine .
17 For ever , after all , had not been so long .
18 He has pursed his sour lips and guessed my true intentions : if I had not been so bored , I would have sold it .
19 If England had not been so successful , then perhaps I would be moaning .
20 The Peace Alliance had , as a result , attracted support from a variety of national figures , but had not been so successful in the organized Labour movement .
21 One disadvantage of warning colours is that they may attract killers who might have missed the prey animals altogether if they had not been so gaudy .
22 They had not been so good to her ; she had lost too many things , too many friends , too much of herself .
23 If Frances had not been so low with a cold , maybe she would n't have reacted so strongly to Andy , her boyfriend .
24 Sir Edmond 's other foundation , the little Chapel at Woodhead , had not been so fortunate : in May 1837 the Goldsmiths received
25 Rosa would have envied Mary her powers of passion , the open expression of her grief and her love , if she had not been so certain that the Madonna was entirely on her side .
26 Just behind the estate which he had saved , the land had not been so lucky .
27 It was enough that he should receive food and shelter most nights ; many of his family had not been so lucky .
28 If she had not been so fit as she is then I am convinced that she would have died .
29 In fact , afterwards the doctor told me that the training had probably helped and that I might have been in a lot more serious trouble if I had not been so fit .
30 He had not been so happy with the farmland which went with the Fish ; his town talents ( he was from Cockermouth , about ten miles away ) had given him neither the patience nor the experience for such niggling country work and — as he was a man who took advice badly — his neighbours had soon left him alone to rot alone .
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