Example sentences of "have [adv] look at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The inbuilt bias towards the big clubs has undoubtedly fuelled inflation in the transfer market ; one has only to look at Manchester United , who raked in nearly £1m from television last season .
2 Anybody who has ever looked at sections of a rat 's brain and then at sections of a monkey 's brain will tell you that they look completely different .
3 ‘ I mean , if I ca n't choose something that 's actually there and I can try on , what chance would I have just looking at pictures ? ’
4 You had only to look at holiday romances , she told herself , or shipboard affairs , to know that unfamiliar surroundings and propinquity acted as a hothouse , a forcing ground for unrealistic situations .
5 She had only to look at Mrs Jebeau 's face to see it ; in fact , she could smell trouble in that direction .
6 Wales rugby is supposed to be resurgent , so they had better look at things off the pitch as well as on it . ’
7 But I I could n't get over you know , I say , I had a quick look the other at Marks you know , to even do the Christmas serviettes they 're doing a lot more and they said if people are n't buying as much on the clothes side erm so they they 've come down , I mean now I can get erm come over , and I said you 've never looked at Marks I said you never buy clothes , I said have a look in Marks , I said they do some really lovely
8 We 've therefore looked at experience to date , the best figures available from other agencies , we have close contact with the independent sectors in terms of their expectations of , of numbers , erm , and we have our own staff in the field , who have given us their best estimates of demand for the coming year .
9 You have only to look at Northampton to see the truth of this .
10 We have already looked at Liam Hudson 's early work on personality and subject choice .
11 We have already looked at ways in which complicated organic molecules could have come into being when the Earth was young ; and these complicated organic molecules could well have included nucleotides and amino acids .
12 A difficulty in answering the question is that previous studies have generally looked at conifers in upland areas with high rainfall .
13 Had you remembered the face of that clock — one which you have probably looked at time and time again ?
14 I have also looked at Beta Cygni or Albireo , in the Swan , where there is a golden yellow primary of magnitude 3.2 together with a blue companion of magnitude 5.4 .
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