Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] in [num] " in BNC.

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1 society has somewhat changed in twenty five twenty eight years
2 At position M the weight of investment in security1 is zero ( i.e. ) and the investor has concentrated his investment solely in the market portfolio ( where the investor has only invested in I to the extent of the share 's capitalization compared to that of the market as a whole ) .
3 The case has already resulted in two mistrials , and with GAF III , prosecutors are making what must be a final attempt to get their men .
4 Police may get new-style baton THE police may soon be issued with new-style batons to replace the old truncheon which has hardly changed in 150 years .
5 HOME Secretary Michael Howard was today seeing a demonstration of new types of police baton , one of which may replace the truncheon that has hardly changed in 150 years .
6 As anyone who has ever worked in 32 Smith Square knows , a winning campaign is a good campaign , a losing campaign , however slick , is a bad campaign .
7 Although no figures are yet available , this rate has probably flattened in 1990 and 1991 and may well prove to be around eight per cent or less at the current time .
8 Lineker , on the other hand , took his decision having already played in two World Cups , deciding it was in his best interests to seek a fortune playing in Japan rather than face the prospect of losing his status and even his England place as his legs began to fail him .
9 His wife and his son Caleb having both died in 1696 ( the baronetcy became extinct ) , most of his wealth passed to Elizabeth and Heneage Finch who , in 1714 , was created first Earl of Aylesford .
10 Forty eight and and presumably many of the people who are perhaps seventy drawing pensions , they may not have even paid in thirty years themselves , I mean they may be many of them may not have been around for that period of time .
11 These youths had all escaped in one way or another from forced labour throughout the archipelago and the mainland colonies ; there were some women with them , but not many , and Dulé planned to bring Ariel and her baby to live with him on Oualie .
12 His win/loss playing record for the year up to 23/3/92 was 20/3 , bettered only by one player , Perez Roldan , who had only played in one tournament , in Casablanca .
13 The process had already begun in 1775 when Nathaniel Kent wrote :
14 By the 1790s these shock waves had triggered off another seismic event , sending North America ( where the struggle for national independence had already begun in 1774 ) not only away from the English Crown but on the road to a republican state .
15 The states which made it up can be classified in several ways , but there is much to be said for distinguishing European states which had already existed in 1815 from those which had come into existence later .
16 Keith Brown and Christophe Campos had already argued in 1971 that
17 Some 377,000 East Europeans ( excluding East Germans ) came to West Germany in 1989 and nearly 100,000 had already arrived in 1990 .
18 Brandt retired as party chairman amidst much criticism , to be succeeded by Vogel who , of course , had already failed in one bid to become Chancellor .
19 Soviet authority had already collapsed in two towns in south-east Azerbaijan close to the Iranian border — Jalilabad , where Popular Front activists had seized control on Dec. 29 after driving out government and CP officials and police , and Lenkoran , where similar events occurred on Jan. 11 .
20 Stephen had already taken in two things : that he was with a set of people he would have liked very much to belong to , and that Annabel was hitched to a man who treated her idly .
21 Trechmann Weekes had already closed in 1921 and Clinkham closed in 1931 but was re-opened by Rugby in 1936 .
22 Mr Kim 's ruling Democratic Liberal Party had easy wins in three by-elections .
23 The kapu system of priestly prohibitions and sanctions had finally disintegrated in 1819 , but new taboos rushed in to take the place of the old .
24 The tired and weak Fourth Republic had finally collapsed in 1958 , to be replaced by a Fifth Republic headed by Charles de Gaulle , whose nationalist prejudices were already well-known .
25 As you went in to the head end where the roof bolts were still intact , it was hard to imagine that approximately forty six metre , fifty metre of gate had just come in one go .
26 Little , still in touch at Leicester , provided some cash for Gray by shelling out £15,000 for Gary Coatsworth , and taking Mick Trotter , who had hardly played in two seasons , on a free transfer .
27 It was easier for her than for many , for she had always lived in two kitchens , under the different and Indifferent ministrations of two cooks .
28 I have been told that on coming to the village to work in the cement factories and receiving his first weeks wages he asked if it was all his as it was more money than he had ever had in one week .
29 As some girls suddenly look too tall to be ballet dancers , she became too large for her father 's devotion , for Haverford always preferred smallish women with what he had once described in one of his more personal ‘ Jottings ’ as the ‘ tip-tilted noses of impertinent page-boys ’ .
30 Criticism from the Vatican during the papacy of Pope John Paul II had also resulted in one of Arns 's auxiliary bishops , Mgr Luciano Mendes de Almeida , who was also president of the Bishops ' Conference , becoming Archbishop of Mariana in the largely rural state of Minas Gerais , while other progressive Brazilian bishops , including Arns , had lost their seats on Vatican councils and other responsibilities to conservatives .
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