Example sentences of "have [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 But Postnikova has the closer understanding of the music 's nature , not only in such matters as the gentle reverie of ‘ January ’ , or the graphic hunting scene of ‘ September ’ ( with its wary middle section ) , or the lively characterization of ‘ February ’ .
2 So I 'm put into the hands of what used to be called ‘ Wardrobe ’ but now has the grander title of ‘ Costume Designers ’ , who are keen for me to join the twentieth century sartorially , which would involve climbing into one of those colossal suits .
3 Statistics also reflect a rise in accidents among children aged up to 16 , and Darlington still has the higher share of accidents involving 17 year olds and over .
4 Further he comments that the male has the greater discretion of reason .
5 The effect of this , according to Kinsbourne , is that there is a bias in responding to the side of space contralateral to the hemisphere which has the greater share of attention .
6 This region has the longer history of continuous occupation by tundra , for at no time during the post-glacial period was it invaded by forest .
7 This has the further benefit of helping to sustain or extend current routines through various kinds of provision .
8 There is another way of approaching the question of the trilogy 's literary status , which has the further merit of concentrating attention on its prose style as well as on poetry .
9 Psychoanalytic theory has the further merit of offering explanations about why specific individuals and groups within advanced , differentiated societies develop a variety of different attitudes to religion .
10 The wedge cushion has the further advantage of allowing the patient to see his legs without effort .
11 As we see , from the following quote , this has the further effect of humiliating the teacher and leading to his loss of dignity :
12 The argument that W. , or any other 16- or 17-year-old , can by refusing to consent to treatment veto the treatment notwithstanding that the doctor has the consent of someone who has parental responsibilities , involves the proposition that section 8 has the further effect of depriving such a person of the power to consent .
13 That 's why ghosts wail , he thought , condemned to haunt a world which has no further need of them .
14 The guidance is persuasive rather than prescriptive and has a lower level of authority than statements of auditing standards .
15 There have been no studies yet in diabetics showing that a group with really good glycaemic control has a lower incidence of coronary artery disease than a well-matched control group .
16 Bergsjo et al suggested 43 weeks ' gestation as induction at this time has a lower incidence of failure .
17 It would appear then that self-citation of theses is not nearly as common as self-citation of publications , and even in the case of publications , geology has a lower incidence of self-citation .
18 In Britain , however , because of ministerial responsibility and because of the suspicion that the appropriate ministry could do the job much better than a new , inexperienced board ( which usually has a lower calibre of staff ) , the ministries concerned have their own sections on tourism , forestry and the countryside which go over everything the board in question proposes , giving authorizations , suggestions or exercising a veto .
19 Secondly , this country has a lower burden of tax than many of our European partners , but the Opposition are determined to reverse that .
20 Only the musk ox has a denser covering of hair .
21 It may well be in this mis-match of experience that the first seeds of misunderstanding and destructive tension are sown , particularly as the education officer is often perceived as ‘ the authority ’ , in several senses of the word , while the head has a greater knowledge of the processes of education required in school to meet the needs of the children .
22 Britain probably has a greater percentage of gifted men and women per head of population than any country in the world .
23 More urban than its northern neighbour , Bury South has a greater proportion of council tenants .
24 West Germany has a greater proportion of people economically active but they start work later and retire earlier than do workers in Pakistan .
25 Her spirit is infinitely stronger than Charles 's and she has a greater sense of her own destiny than he has .
26 Morton 's Adhesives and Specialty Polymers group probably has a greater diversity of products and markets — both in terms of end uses and of geography — than any other part of the company .
27 Devon has a greater mileage of roads than any other English county , and all holiday-makers travelling to the resorts of Devon and Cornwall , before the building of the Honiton by-pass , knew the town as a frightful bottleneck .
28 Whole schools do not happen because the head alone has a greater view of the school , they occur because everyone 's view of the school is extended and embraced ( Southworth 1988:327 ) .
29 , A lake next to Trawsfynydd nuclear power station in Wales has a higher level of radioactivity than anywhere else in Britain apart from Sellafield , according to a report from Nuclear Electric ( previously the Central Electricity Generating Board ) .
30 Patency at 48 hours is about 85% and , interestingly , this is similar to the patency rate 48 hours after thrombolytic treatment , but the latter has a higher frequency of residual stenosis .
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