Example sentences of "have [be] [vb pp] to their " in BNC.

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1 Yet nothing of this sophistication has been transmitted to their flock .
2 The family has been offered £6 worth of vouchers by the company , but say they wo n't be happy until their son has been compensated to their satisfaction for his suffering .
3 Croatia 's acceptance follows on from the recent announcement that the Baltic states of Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania has been reinstated to their former status as full members , a status that they enjoyed prior to the outbreak of the second world war .
4 His parents were found dead at their house by firemen who 'd been called to their cottage in Tetbury .
5 Though she listened for sounds in the house , she heard none : Sir Gregory 's organization ran smoothly , and all the watchers would have been sent to their posts long before .
6 The three biggest US airlines — American , United and Delta — had hoped that approval of the BA-USAir deal would have been linked to their gaining a bigger foothold in the UK market .
7 The three biggest US carriers , American Airlines , United Airlines and Delta Airlines , had hoped that approval of the BA-USAir deal would have been linked to their gaining a bigger foothold in the UK market and argued that the original $750 million proposal would have given BA wide entry into the US market while restricting US airlines from further expansion into the UK .
8 Not only men , but women and children too knitted stockings , socks , shirts , gloves , cravats and other fabrics on a frame in their cottage and continued to do so long after steam power had been applied to their craft during the middle years of the nineteenth century .
9 The plaintiffs failed to recover as no tangible injury had been done to their property — no apparatus had been damaged .
10 AT THE end of Mass , when the children had been dismissed to their schooling with Brother Paul , and only the choir monks were left as awed witnesses , Abbot Radulfus offered a brief and practical prayer for divine guidance , and approached Saint Winifred 's altar .
11 The reviewer of his book in the Edinburgh Review thought half of the thousands of imprisoned debtors had been reduced to their state by ‘ venial errors ’ or innocent misfortune .
12 A total of 45 soldiers and two officers of the elite Atlacatl battalion had been confined to their barracks during the investigation .
13 She did not , however , conduct any multi-disciplinary case conferences about the children until after they had been returned to their homes .
14 Nor does the contrary proposition , that the law does not contain the clear meaning if the legislators did not intend it and would have rejected it if it had been brought to their attention .
15 They had been bombarded to their knees .
16 There were a few startled shrieks , but for the most part the patrons seemed to be enjoying the sudden element of adventure that had been added to their evening .
17 Two hundred thousand veterans had been recalled to the Eagles , the half-pay officers had been restored to their battalions , and the arsenals of France had been filled .
18 Great hopes had been pinned to their reforms halting Africa 's downward path .
19 So they 've been used to their own rate and I said each time , if you 're gon na get you must tell them it 's the cleanup rate .
20 For two months they have been relegated to their school 's library , forbidden to attend classes or take part in any school activity .
21 Derive expressions for the torque needed to hold 0 constant under the following conditions : ( i ) when the plates are connected to a source of constant voltage V ; ( ii ) after the plates have been rotated to their position of maximum capacitance , charged to voltage V , disconnected from the supply and then rotated to a new position .
22 Like other state-sector workers , the Government promised to find new jobs for those they laid off , but in reality most have been left to their fate without support .
23 Thirty-one crocodiles illegally exported to the US have been returned to their indigenous Nigeria .
24 The prisoners have been returned to their cells with the exception of the damaged one .
25 Between 1989–91 , several hundred monks and nuns were expelled from their monasteries and have been restricted to their village of origin .
26 Despite their objections , Faringdonians have been drawn to their tower ever since .
27 Being only two miles away , their success has meant that many fair-weather ‘ Stiffs ’ supporters have been attracted to their games and in consequence our gate receipts have suffered .
28 But the people of Scotland and Britain will never forget the sad 13 years in which people have been brought to their knees .
29 Your own children , natural or adopted , can always inherit from you , whether or not you are or have been married to their other parent .
30 If you have dropped the computer , maybe only a few inches , and the failures started after this , then give your local repair man a ring for a quotation without delay or you could write a file to the disk which can not be read back by another machine , or your own for that matter , when the heads have been realigned to their correct setting .
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