Example sentences of "have [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The same approach has been adopted in later cases .
2 For house physician John Bery , the day begins at Cheltenham General Hospital when he puts on a pedometer.He 's one of a group of doctors who 've been helping in a survey of the distances covered while on duty.Soon Dr Bery is heading for a ward at the opposite end of the hospital.It 's the first of many long walks along the corridors during the day.The problem at Cheltenham general is identical to many other hospitals … where an old Victorian block has been extended with newer buildings forcing doctors to travel great distances from department to department .
3 Some of it has been disturbed by later developments : the site of the Early Iron Age , classical and Hellenistic city of Knossos overlaps with that of the Minoan city ( Hood and Smyth 1981 ) — but nevertheless much remains to be excavated .
4 The volumes will be produced with the use of new technology in editing and printing and will be based at the Bentham Project which has been supported by earlier ESRC grants .
5 Though it has been altered in later periods , it retains some Gothic features .
6 The main interest of this church is in its interior mosaics because much of the building has been altered in later times .
7 Although originally presented as a theory of personality , PCT has been applied to wider areas such as politics ( Fransella and Bannister , 1967 ) architecture ( Glanville , 1977 ) , maps ( Stringer , 1974 ) , film ( Carver , 1967 ) , painting ( O'Hare and Gordon , 1976 ; Mendoza and Thomas , 1972 ) and music ( Ward , 1985 ) .
8 This may allow a lower overall value to be negotiated in an area where a premium has been applied to smaller occupations .
9 While accepting the need for the United Kingdom to have the protection of a strategic nuclear deterrent for the foreseeable future , may I ask the Secretary of State whether , as a result of his recent conversations with his French counterpart and the agreement reached at Maastricht , consideration has been given to greater co-operation in strategic nuclear matters with France ?
10 Currently the export trade has been hit by lower prices for both steam coal and coking coal but this has not prevented a number of large and expensive development projects aimed at significantly increasing output .
11 This problem has been formulated in earlier chapters .
12 Newson ( 1979 ) has argued that process studies in geomorphology seek to quantify three systems ; the mechanical sediment system , the chemical system , and the hydrological system , and it is notable that progress towards the quantification of these systems has been achieved by greater cooperation of physical geographers with scientists in other disciplines and in response to requirements of engineers and planners for resource information .
13 They were deposited under glaciomarine conditions and show the effects of bioturbation : a large Planolites ( P ) trace has been reburrowed by later Chondrites ( C ) .
14 Referrals to hospital social work teams for people leaving hospital has been referred to earlier .
15 I am not persuaded either My Lords that the inclusion of nominated members with special skills will add very much to the police authorities decision making , bearing in mind the experience already there , which has been referred to earlier in this debate .
16 The influence of school at this stage , with its strong socialising effect and opportunities for peer-group experience and influence , is marked ; but the experience gained in this situation will affect different children very differently according to the way that the soil has been prepared by earlier upbringing .
17 Student leaders at Queen 's University say the acute shortage of student houses flats and bedsits has been caused by higher standards for accommodation demanded by the Housing Executive .
18 This is partly related to political values ; traditionally , organised voluntary activity has been viewed with greater favour by those on the political right , although in fact , unobtrusively , voluntary organisations have received much support by the old-style left .
19 The other comes from the information which has been derived from earlier parts of a discourse , and which is specific to that discourse — we will call this a specific context effect .
20 The incidence of taxation has been discussed in earlier Lectures ; here we incorporate the main considerations — in simplified form into two distributional models ( Section 9–2 ) .
21 A strong reactive element has been identified in later life depression ( Murphy , 1983 ) .
22 The first has effectively been ruled out by the odd admission by the federalists , and has been dealt with earlier .
23 This has been attributed to cleaner air , social improvements , fewer male smokers , a reduction in tar yields of cigarettes and advances in treatment .
24 However , he did admit that there is a get-out clause written in to the contract involving Hapag Lloyd who share facilities at the Royal Seaforth Container Terminal which has been negotiated on cheaper terms than the previous agreement .
25 As has been suggested by earlier speakers , please pass it on through schools , colleges wherever you might be active within the movement , or through children in local schools .
26 Quinine has been overtaken by newer drugs , the three most important being chloroquine , primaquine and pyrimethamine .
27 This is not the case with several of the better-known recordings of the work where the organ has been added on later .
28 Smith ( 1969b , in Brown et.al. 1969 ) suggested a secondary phase for the Corinian group , and recently ( Neal 1981 , no. 87 ; T.B.G.A.S. ( 1982 ) , 272 ) attention has been drawn to further complexities of its organisation .
29 This has been shown by lower prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma in immigrants to Paris than in women of French origin , a factor suggested to be the consequence of a cultural preference for poorly cooked meat .
30 Thus in both types of diabetes the threshold for commencing conventional drug therapy should be higher in patients over 65 years of age , although benefit has been shown in older non-diabetics in a recent study ( Amery et al , 1985 ) .
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