Example sentences of "have [be] and be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps incest is even more closely a matter of social norms than paedophilia ; its proscription or permissibility has been and is highly variable from period to period and in different sub-cultures within our own country , let alone others .
2 This probably accounted for the fact that she was not on duty at the theatre as much as she should have been and was very moody when she was there .
3 Although such measures had been and were still attacked , by the COS for example , for discouraging parental responsibility , it was equally arguable that they strengthened such responsibilities by making it possible for poor families to carry them out .
4 Beneath my feet and beside me to my right , were the sheer pale grey rocks that were the andesitic relics of all the ancient turbulence and torture which had been and was still being caused by the plates ' gentle , turgid but quite inevitable meeting .
5 We have been and are very well served in N V C O. Our President , Sir Kenneth , our vice-presidents , and in particular , the Chair , the Vice-Chairs , and Treasurer , give us a great deal of their time , and I do mean give , as they work for many hours on behalf of N C V O without payment .
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