Example sentences of "have [be] put [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Andy has been put through absolute hell . ’
2 The Royal Navy have intensified their patrols and the Special Boat Squadron has been put on alert .
3 The river avon between Tewkesbury and Pershore has been put on red flood alert , it 's banks swollen by torrential rain .
4 Already that money has been put to good use .
5 The new park planting etcetera really enhances the area , so that 's nice to hear from the Civic Society , and they 're also saying that er they 're grateful for the newspaper collection , which their office is thinking has been put to good use .
6 In the past , chartered accountants have also been able to charge higher rates because of their qualification , but this premium has been put under increasing pressure at the smaller end of the market because of the recession .
7 Information has been put before young people in tight subject departments : maths , history , physics etc — with little attention paid to the relationships between the subjects and the applicability of their content to the outside world .
8 Well I mo moved because promotion was in the line for me , I was in the Royal Marine Police in island depot in Plymouth and er I 'd been put on plain clothes work and I 'd been doing acting sergeant you know when the sergeant was off sick and all that business and er I 'd put , been put in for this to move because we had a two bedroom bungalow but the twins were getting big and I realized that we 'd have to have another bedroom you know , very soon and er , this seemed an opportunity to get a house and also in Plymouth , that Plymouth was a naval town , you see , there was still those days there was still kind of a , a lower deck of sons , what they call lower deckers , in other words you know people in the lower deck of the navy , their sons did n't really have much , ever have much chance of getting into places like Dartmouth College or Cramwell to do as cadets , well the headmaster at Regent Street School had said to me that Keith was very keen on flying , he was aeroplane mad you see , and , he wanted to go in the Royal Air Force , well he said to me he said oh no put him in the Navy and as a chief art as an artificer , so I said oh no , I said if he goes in the Navy or the service I want him to go in the front door not like me the back door , I had ambition for him
9 The consequence of those legal manoeuvres is to deny other London boroughs a massive capital receipt which could have been put to good use on behalf of charge payers .
10 The fact is that the lift worked for ten years with very little maintenance and little stoppage for repairs , except to the track — and even the track could evidently have been put to permanent rights had the study and expenditure been justified .
11 For several weeks the project had been the talk of Polruan : the Russell had been put into extended refit , volunteers had been sought by extravagant promises of Spanish prizes and — to prove that this time Harry 's adventure was to be more than just talk — two six-pounder sakers and a couple of falconets had been delivered aboard a hoy from Plymouth , and hoisted onto the Russell 's deck under Harry 's personal supervision .
12 On Nov. 10 a police statement said that " all sensitive install-ations " in the country had been put under 24-hour guard .
13 Gates had been put on inactive duty pending an investigation of the videotaped beating of a black motorist by a group of city police on March 3 .
14 The aircraft immediately flew them to Bronglais Hospital , Aberystwyth , where a medical team had been put on stand-by to give them medical checks .
15 I did n't realise that Dad was home early that afternoon because he had been put on short time and had had to take a drop in wages in consequence .
16 In addition , he had been put in sole charge of handling negotiations between Cadogan 's and one of the major American corporations .
17 Enraptured by the celluloid screen , we revelled in the romance that had been denied to us , or had been put in cold storage ‘ for the duration , .
18 When asked how it was done , Ruysch simply said that the corpse had been put in cold water for a day or so , the aorta and venae cavae were then opened , the blood cleared out and the whole put in hot water for four to six hours ; for the injection he had used suet or tallow in the winter , and added wax , turpentine and resin in summer .
19 Well people have rung into this programme saying that they 've been put off visiting graves because this man is there .
20 Talking of worthwhile investments , the new flats constructed by Norman and David have been put to good use this year and indeed Nor indeed Norman 's sets get better and better .
21 The Display Boards and Banners have been put to good use this year and are always available free from the office on request .
22 Guidelines have been agreed by management and union representatives and have been put to federal ministers .
23 Parts of the river wye have been put on red flood alert , the highest level , as it 's waters continue to rise .
24 At Ford , where workers across the country have been put on short time because of the slump in demand , the feeling was that car tax should have been scrapped much sooner .
25 It is believed that chimpanzee colonies in Western Africa have been put under severe strain by live export trade for medical research .
26 18 women have been put in administrative detention for 6 months without trial a measure that has not been used against women since 1979 .
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