Example sentences of "have [be] use as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This has been used as evidence of the continuing popularity of marriage .
2 For a long time the peat has been used as fuel by the more isolated farmers , or crofters , in the north-west .
3 As Raymond de Becker points out , they could have been used as gospel by the naive , or turned into parlour games by sceptics .
4 He further suggested that the fifty-six Aubrey holes could have been used as eclipse predictors , representing three cycles of the moon 's nodes , each taking 18.6 years .
5 Containers are strongly associated with male-rich graves , while perforated spoons found in a few female graves may have been used as strainers in connection with the serving of drink .
6 He illustrated this by describing how alkaloids had been used as poisons since Roman times ( murder ) , through the discovery of the pain killing effects of morphine ( medicine ) and finally the hallucinogenic activity of LSD ( magic ) .
7 Bushes had been used as toilets , and there was evidence of drug abuse .
8 Mr. Tony Favell , supported by Mr. David Harris , presented a Bill to remove from registers of common land and registers of town or village greens dwellinghouses registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965 which had been used as dwellinghouses for a minimum of twenty years immediately prior to the commencement of that Act ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time on Friday 24 February and to be printed .
9 Experiments in which young salmon have been transferred from their stream of birth , to be released in another stream , have been used as evidence that salmon imprint on the smell of their river during a sensitive period just before they migrate downstream .
10 In the course of history , many different commodities have been used as money — for example shells , animals and metals .
11 It has also been argued that green belts have been used as instruments of preservation rather than conservation , and that insufficient attention has been devoted to positive planning , and to provision for recreational use .
12 At local level the survey 's findings have been used as part of the Lingdale Revitalisation Project , to argue the case for converting the old village primary school into homes .
13 Where a journalist intends to refer to an unnamed individual , it is reasonable that the individual should have an action for libel if others have correctly identified him or her as the target , whatever literary devices have been used as camouflage .
14 Traditionally , the rare earths have been used as catalysts in the chemical industry and in flints for cigarette lighters .
15 The cubeoctahedron , dodecahedron , icosahedron and various other semi and demi-regular solids have been used as models for geodesic domes .
16 Indeed , Crone said in his report that ‘ … the examination of these fake specimens shed no light at all on the main question as to whether mycotoxins have been used as warfare agents in Laos or Kampuchea ’ .
17 Heart rate and skin conductance have been used as measures of arousal , and unusually high levels have been reported ( e.g. Venables , 1964 ) .
18 When schematic drawings of faces have been used as stimuli visual hemifield asymmetry has been found to be a function of several factors , including the degree of similarity between the stimuli to be compared and the inter-stimulus interval employed ( Patterson and Bradshaw , 1975 ) .
19 Extracts from the croton have been used as fish poisons .
20 Inter-strain differences in the amount of C-banded material occurs between certain autosomes ( 11 ) and have been used as cell markers in chimaeras ( 12 ) .
21 Over 400 caves exist which have been used as food and wine/beer stores , tanning and malting rooms , dwellings and shelters in time of war .
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