Example sentences of "have [adv] got [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Obviously the message has not got through to some parts of the organisation . ’
2 Palo Alto , California-based Neuron Data Inc has finally got around to releasing version 2.0 of its Open Interface in the UK ( UX No 386 ) .
3 Gary has n't got round to watching it
4 Erm so whether she has n't got round to it I do n't know .
5 It 's like , one day developing right and she has n't got round to collecting them yet .
6 Since she has done the unthinkable in LA and has never got round to buying herself a car , bus rides are the only way of getting around and the 6am commute to work brings her daily inspiration .
7 Maggie reckons her family should be help up as a warning to everyone who has never got round to it .
8 He 'd never got round to mending the hole .
9 He 'd never got around to closing the deadlock .
10 They 've only got up to these ones , we do n't know which numbers they are .
11 Usually , what with shooting and swimming with the others and riding up at Biddy 's , he had only got back to the garden shed in time to flake out until morning .
12 He said the buy-out had been a possibility for some time , but the two sides had only got down to serious discussions in the past few months .
13 The fact of the matter is , if we had not got on to the High Street , it would have been very difficult to justify our coming to Stockton .
14 Interest had been so great that they had not got around to marketing the idea elsewhere .
15 you were n't in and I could n't , I could n't find telephone number to give him a ring , I 've just got , I 've just got through to Directory Enquiries , got the number , just gon na dial it and gran says Annette 's home .
16 I 've just got back to England .
17 It had been he himself , Lewis , who had finally got on to the man there who was in the process of completing the proofs for the forthcoming seminal opus entitled Pre-Conquest Craftsmanship in Southern Britain , by Theodore S. Kemp , MA , DPhil ; the man who had been closeted with Kemp that fateful morning , and who had confirmed that Kemp had not left the offices until about 12.30 p.m .
18 For ages he had been meaning to call in at a place down by the Elephant and Castle where they sold gramophone parts , but it was not until this morning that he had finally got around to it .
19 To her surprise , the gunfire did n't seem to be directed at them , and she wondered if the rebels and soldiers had finally got around to fighting each other directly .
20 As he had finally got back to Mrs Lorimer 's and was washing his face , he was wondering how much of the dirty water of the drug scene had washed over Rose and Steve .
21 Dr Kumar said John Major 's attacks on the Liberal Democrats had clearly got through to middle-income earners terrified by the thought of a Labour Government .
22 We got votes against our proposals with no reasons given at all , you 've now got down to the point of having no reasons at all for opposing what we want to do .
23 I half thought the implications of Francis 's death had n't got through to her , but that girl does n't give much away . ’
24 They knew he spent his weekends at the flying club , but had n't got around to totting up how many hours of blind flying instruction in a twin-engined Cessna he was buying , nor how much each such hour cost .
25 But Jekub did n't grumble , and he did n't keep on asking Dorcas why he had n't got around to inventing radio yet .
26 ‘ I — I just had n't got round to it , ’ she said weakly .
27 And the reason why they were shoved under the bed was because I had n't got round to sort of you know , doing anything about it sort of thing .
28 And I know it 's not , not saying there 's anything wrong with it , just had n't got round to writing it .
29 Alright it was your I wished I had n't got there to be quite honest but cold as that
30 I mean we noticed that with the referrals and everything but it was purely that you had n't got down to that point to ask for them .
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