Example sentences of "have [adv] only [vb pp] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 We learn that he has not only killed his brother-in-law for opposing the Iranian government but that he unrepentantly believes that ‘ war is the source of love and hope and satisfaction . ’
2 Government has not only turned its attention to the professions as economic entities , but in the 1980s adopted an increasingly dirigiste approach to higher education .
3 The final insult is that he has not only forfeited his ‘ honest faith ’ in taking up with her but that his eyes have even deceived him about her beauty : she is ‘ foul ’ in every sense .
4 This has had an effect on the JCT , which has not only revised its own forms , but is working hard to extend its range .
5 She has not only lost her husband but her father .
6 The crafty old devil has not only got his bird eating out of his hand , he 's managed to dig some up-to-date data on the border build-up out of him .
7 A female journalist from Smash Hits — a magazine that used to love them , but it 's all over now — has not only slagged their record off , she has claimed that they are — wait for it — sexist !
8 He has not only tarnished his relationship with Leeds United Football Club ( the club that he owes everything to including his 2.75M price tag ) , he also shit on the manager and those players who are left at the club , who helped him win a championship medal .
9 After operating in the Czech and Slovak republics for the past 18 months , Leeds accounting software supplier Coda Ltd has not only won its first contract in Hungary , but also decided to open an office in Budapest , which began trading on April 1 .
10 ‘ You have the Royal Family sitting in an ivory tower which has not only had its foundations rocked — it 's on fire , ’ says Penny .
11 For Daria Davidova , 13 , coming to England has not only helped her physical health — her headaches have stopped and she feels more energetic — but has also provided emotional relief .
12 Like Snow White 's wicked stepmother , she has not only abandoned her adopted heir to the company of dwarves ; she lives in terror that he might yet be more admired and loved than she .
13 And to top it all off there were the dispiriting revelations that Liverpool 's manager Graeme Souness , had not only phoned his congratulations through to John Major from his private hospital bed , but also , allegedly for mega-bucks , allowed himself to appear on the front of the Sun on the anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster with his tongue down the throat of a former TV hostess .
14 He had not only eaten his own packed lunch — sandwiches and cold sausages and bananas — but most of Carrie 's as well .
15 The Socialist Party had not only suffered its worst election defeat in 25 years but also given every appearance of being in the process of disintegration .
16 How depressed those tough pioneers would be to see their descendants , who had not only lost their pioneer spirit , but the ability to walk !
17 Playing Desert Storm on my Sega console had not only eroded my morals , it had disturbed my beauty sleep .
18 They were much needed since one of the leading rebels , Vulgrin of Angoulême , had not only put his castles in a state of readiness but was able to take the field with a force of Brabançons .
19 He informed them that Stella had not only had her appendix , but also her gall bladder removed , and that he would be home in time to attend to the next horse trek arranged for Saturday .
20 Ivan the Terrible had not only decimated their ranks during the oprichnina but had eroded the distinction between their hereditary property ( votchina ) and the conditional terms of the pomestie by establishing a norm of military service to be borne by all estates .
21 By concentrating on that , they 've not only improved their service level remarkably but they 've also reduced their stock levels at a number of warehousing points and reduced their cost structure . ’
22 ‘ We 've still only got his word for it , ’ said Lewis , after Ashenden had gone .
23 He had n't only stolen my dreams , he 'd raped them .
24 Since those early days , Scott has turned out a lot of above average horses who have not only kept his smallish stable ticking over smoothly but have at times produced results which have had the bookmakers running for cover .
25 ‘ Throughout , they have not only protested their innocence , but have co-operated with the investigating authority , confident that their names would be cleared .
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